The History of Eudora, Kansas
The History of Eudora, Kansas
Above, from left: 1866-1903 stone schoolhouse, 1903 schoolhouse on Church Street, 1918 school at 10th and Main streets, 1951 elementary school addition, and Nottingham elementary school.
Eudora’s first school was the Wakarusa Methodist Mission where Abraham Still taught Shawnee youth from 1851 to 1854. After he left, a private subscription school in Eudora was said to have started in 1858. People paid to send their children to the school, a common practice of the times. A Mr. C. Smith taught at the school.
The public school system in Eudora began on April 21, 1860, when the Eudora City Council voted to build a 20-foot by 30-foot, two-room frame school with a steeple at a cost of $410.19. On May 21, 1860, the Council accepted the gift from Paschal Fish of a lot in 1863 as the school site, but never built a school there.
The school, pictured to the right, at Sixth Street and Main Street (which was said to have been later moved to Seventh Street and Maple Street) opened for the fall term with F. Schowarte, also a city employee, as the teacher.
In these early years, plans were made to set up a “seminary,” a term usually associated with religious education and often a school where students lived on the premises. According to 1861 Kansas Territory Law, CHAPTER XXVI, AN ACT to incorporate the Eudora Seminary Association: “Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: Section 1. That Chas. Duer, Julius Karnasch, Julius Fischer, Jno. 0. Dunn, C. Marfillius, A. Tlioman, Henry Whitker, August Ziesniz, Frederick Farber, their associates and successors, are hereby Constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the "Eudora Seminary Association," and, by that name, shall be competent to make contracts, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all matters whatsoever. . . .Said association shall have further power to erect, at Eudora a seminary of learning, and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government thereof; may provide for the erection of the necessary buildings, and receive donations, in money, or in property, real, personal or mixed, not exceeding the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and may do all other acts and things necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, not inconsistent with the provisions thereof. This Bill, having been returned by the Governor, with his objections thereto, and, after reconsideration, having passed by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses, it has become a law this second day of February, A. D. 1861.”
In 1866, a 24-foot by 40-foot, two-story stone school between Seventh Street and Sixth Street on the east side of Church Street was built for $5,700 with H. C. Speer and Miss C. Whitcomb as teachers. The 1903 flood destroyed this school. One early principal was Joseph McCoy. Born in Coshocton County, Ohio, January 30, 1831, McCoy graduated from the Normal Academy at West Bedford, Ohio. He taught in various Ohio locations until 1876 before teaching three sessions in Peabody, Kansas, and serving as principal of the public school in Parkville, Missouri, before coming to Eudora to be school principal, according to the History of the State of Kansas.
A school taught by Miss P. Hill also was built for black students in 1866, according to Ruth Neis in the May 2, 1935 Eudora Weekly News. but its location remains unknown. However, the 1873 Douglas County Atlas map indicates a school was at Tenth Street and Maple Street, which may have been the school.
A small brick addition was built in 1881 south of the stone building on Church Street for the third and fourth grades. Not long after, Turner Hall, which was across from the stone building, was bought for use as the first grade classroom taught by Alma Griffith. The Eudora school system held classes in the building from 1894 until 1908. Also during this time, private instruction continued. For instance, P. F. Heiser came over from Lawrence in the 1880s to give German lessons Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Hedwig Sunderegger also taught German school in the 1890s for three summer months; tuition was $2.25.
In 1898, the first year that records are available, 227 children attended school in Eudora. Four teachers taught the school’s black and white students. In 1902, high school level classes were offered for the 11 high school students. Subjects taught included English, physics, algebra, bookkeeping, drawing, and geography. Both the stone and brick building were razed in 1903 to make way for a $11, 500, six-room, two-story, brick grade school with belfry at 626 Church Street that was used until 1951. The primary grades attended classes in three rooms on its first floor. In three of the upstairs rooms, one on the north and two on the south, high school classes were held. The fourth room, on the west, served as the school library and equipment room. The basement housed the bathrooms and play area for days when the weather would not permit the students to go outside. Outside, students played basketball. By 1904, when the red brick schoolhouse was completed, five teachers overseen by principal O.J. Lane taught the 189 students (including 15 high school students). According to the October 24, 1918 Eudora Weekly News, it took five elections to raise bonds to build the school.
By 1905, students, 29 of whom attended high school, numbered 231. Mattie (Catlin) Kindred remembered that the fifth and sixth grade teacher of the time wore the same dress all winter. Eudora High School had its first high school graduation that year for students in the Fuller Building. Graduating students included members of the Gabriel, Schopper, Shellack, Seiwald, Sommer, Ziesenis, Durr, Everley, Eder, Hadl, Lothholz, Trefz, Wichman, and Wilsonfamilies.
An autograph book dating to 1908 and 1909 that presumably belonged to Ella (Reber) Gerstenberger and now to Janet (Sommer) Campbell had the following schoolmate wishes for Ella on June 6, 1908.
Dear friend, Some write for money, some write for fame, I write simply, to sign my name. Your friend and schoolmate, Frederick Smith.
Dear Sister, When the clouds are dark and dreary, think of Charles Gerstenberger and be weary. Yours truly, L. L.
Dear Ella, Walking through life sequestered seems, with a loving heart as pure as gold, may your days be always sunny, and may your children see you grow very old, Aunt Mary Reber.
Dear Sister, A favorite has no friends.” “Gray.” Your sister, Maggie L. S. Reber.
Dear Friend, Never look backward, but onward. Your friend and schoolmate, Douglas Harris.
Dear Cousin, When on this page a chance to look, think of me and close the book. Your cousin, Gideon Neis.
Dear Ella, Drop a pearl in memories casket for a friend. Your friend and schoolmate, Roy Harris.
My dear Ella, May your joys be as deep as the ocean, and your sorrow as light as its foam. Is the wish of your teacher, Mabel Beard
Dear cousin, When ? and rock divide us, and you no more I see, just take a pen a paper, and write a line to me. Your cousin, Clarence.
My dearest Ella, The rose is red, the violet is blue, you love me, and I’ll love you. Your friend and schoolmate, Francis “Jack” G. Hughes
Dear Ella, Friendship is a silken tie, which binds two friends together, and if we never break this tie, we will be friends forever. Your friend and schoolmate, Charles Gerstenberger
Dear Ella, We grow like what we think of, so let us think of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Your friend and schoolmate, Lillie Smith.
Dear Ella, Let it be thy constant care through earthly job and Sorrow, by watchfulness and constant prayer, each this day and tomorrow. To be prepared why Christ shall come, his heaven to make thy final home. Your friend and schoolmate, Arthur Ott.
Beautiful thoughts make a beautiful soul, a beautiful soul makes a beautiful face. Henry Eisele
Friend Ella, However we be, it seems to me, ‘tis only noble to be good. Kind hearts are more than coronets and simple faith than Norman flood. “Tennyson.” Your friend, Lila Thoren
“Dear Ella;” Don’t forget the E.H.S. kids, and the good times we had, because you are going to leave us soon. Is the wish of your true friend and schoolmate. Marie Robinson
Friend Ella: Ready to go, ready to wait, ready a gap to fill; ready for service small or great, ready to do His will. “Phillips Brooks.” Chas. Kelly. EHS.
The 1910 count of school-aged children showed: “white” girls (93), “colored” girls (20); “white” boys (109); and “colored” boys (22). Charles Kelly served as principal for the high school in 1916, and Ida L. Coffin was the grade school principal.
Some students from the country boarded in town. For example, the 1986-razed Westerhouse home on the north side of Seventh Street in the alley between Elm Street and Locust Street from 1909 to 1916 was used by Gussie Ziesenis for a millinery shop, according to Frank Page’s remembrances, and it also was a rooming house up to 1918 for girls.
Voters turned down a bond to build onto the school, a move that caused a Eudora Township rural high school district to be created and a bond passed to construct a new high school building. In 1918, the land was bought from the Meinke family at Tenth Street and Main Street to build a three-story high school building with an auditorium and a small gymnasium. A few years later, land between Tenth Street and Eleventh Street in the area between Elm Street and Locust Street was bought for use as an athletic field and later named Kerr Field after the principal who served from 1942 to 1966. Also that year, in February, the school board decided to have school on Saturdays for the remainder of the school year. The decision was made so students could cut three weeks from the school year to begin their summer farm work. Construction prevented the school from opening on time, so the school held classes at the Lothholz Opera House.
Margaret (Colman) Wulfkukle, who taught for five years starting in the year 1937, said that she, like teachers of that era, had to sign a contract stating that she would not marry during employment. A high school student that same year could study English, algebra, practical math, Latin 1, clothing, or industrial arts as a freshman; English, music appreciation, geometry, agriculture, modern history, foods, Latin II, and industrial arts as a sophomore; English, American government, sociology, typewriting, bookkeeping, biology, physiology, advanced home economics, psychology, and industrial arts as a junior; and American history, biology, typewriting II, and speech as a senior.
The school in Weaver closed in 1938 causing Eudora schools to have 104 high school students, 91 grade school students, and 25 parochial school students. Belleview, Hesper, and some Evening Star students also came when their school consolidated with Eudora in 1948.
At a Eudora Area Historical Society meeting, teachers reminisced. For example, in the mornings, grade school students lined up and marched into the classrooms while Lauretta Gerstenberger played away on a large piano and Madge Hill, a teacher, marked time to the music. Once, a teacher was discovered smoking in the basement and fired from her job, said Janice (Guenther) Colman.
In 1946, grade school teachers were Mary Richards, Marguerite Miller, Grace Kerr, Mary Weidensaul, Betty Fertig and Roberta Nottingham. When Sunflower Ordinance Works employees swelled Eudora, the 1903 school’s lunch room had to be used as a classroom. Seats owerflowed into aisles, and 60 first graders in 1944 attended school in the Eudora Methodist Churchhalf a day. The second grade class used the church for the other half of the day. In 1949, first graders attended school in the then Victory Theater between Elm Street and Main Street on the north side of Seventh Street.
In 1951, a consolidated grade school was built on the north side of the high school and connected to it by a mutual gymnasium with stage and lunch room. Five years later the grade school had four more rooms added and used a trailer for extra classroom space. An annex was added in 1959 for science classes and home economic classes. During this time, the 1903 school was condemned; new owners converted the former red brick grade school into a multi-housing unit and removed the belfry and second story.
Nottingham Elementary, built in 1965 at Fifteenth Street and Elm Street for $175,000, was named after teacher Roberta Nottingham, who taught primarily first grade for 43 years, including the years 1942 to 1967 in Eudora. Nottingham returned to the school each year after her retirement to celebrate her January 20 birthday, and, on March 9, 1966 was quoted in the Eudora Enterprise: “Every day I try to take time to find something that each child has done better or give him some word of encouragement.”
The school, under the direction of Tom Jerome (1967-1999), incorporated an open classroom concept for levels kindergarten through third grade and originally had eight classrooms, a central library area, and district administration offices. A 1975 addition created space for students from third to sixth grade. As of 2003, it returned to levels kindergarten through third grade. Through the years, it, too, has expanded in size. For example, the Eudora Board of Education approved a base bid of $667,000 for a four-room addition at Nottingham Elementary School in 1996. The contract went to Kelley and Dahlstrom Construction. With miscellaneous fees and renovation work on the library, the total cost of the project was estimated at $784,000.
At the combined middle and high school, a new metal building for a woodworking class was erected in 1970. A football field with track facilities replaced Kerr Field as the site for football games in 1976 and student enrollment reached 836 that same year.
In 1990, the secondary school principal, Charlie Watts, reported to the school board that the south wall was "bulging and cracking." Board members voted to have a structural engineer inspect the building. In his report, the engineer said the building was going into a "failure mode" and that the lime-based mortar used to hold the bricks together had turned powdery and crumbled, allowing water to enter. The water rusted the steel lintels around the window, causing them to twist.
The fire marshal ordered the district to suspend use of the building. Three hundred people gathered to hear the report and a fire marshal’s letter. To make up for the space loss, Kan-Build of Osage City set up three modular, 66-foot by 29-foot units in the parking lot for classroom use.
The Information Group for USD 491 formed to explore building renovation before building the facility proposed by the school board. The PRIDE (Patrons Responsible in Developing Education) also formed to support the building of a new high school. Petitions and hearings failed to halt the demolition of the original high school in July 1991. The school district kept 2,000 bricks, keystones reading "High School" and "1918," and the flagpole.
Construction began in 1993 for the $5.3 million, 84,000 square foot facility to house 350 high school students. Mohan Construction from Topeka built the school, which was to be expanded if student enrollment increased, and also built the Eudora West Elementary school near Fourteenth Street and Winchester Road, financed from the district’s capital outlay fund. In 2009, West housed the district's preschool and all-day kindergarten programs for one year. School administrative offices were moved to this location in 2013 from the former “bus barn” location on Tenth Street.
Built too small to hold the incoming students, the high school, school board members said, needed to be larger, and convinced voters in 2002 to approve the construction of a $16 million building north of the 1993 school, which became a school for students from sixth to eighth grade in 2003. The shifting of the grades prompted the third grade classrooms to be located in West Elementary, also. Not long after the vote to build a new high school, the school board took back its offer to sell the 10th Street school to the city after the city council had launched an $18,000 study evaluating the site. Although parts of the school facility at Tenth Street and Main Street, the school board said, would be for community use; in 2003, the school had a contract to use other space for vocational educational in culinary skills, health care, and auto collision repair, and called the Eudora Community Learning Center. In 2005, the school board announced it wanted to sell the site to build a bus depot by the Eudora High School. However, the school's clear title to that land was clouded by city interest in the property. To clear the title, the school traded its interest in land where the swimming pool and tennis courts stood and $50,000 from the city for clear title to the 10th Street property.
National Certification Education Statistics figures from the 2003-2003 school year showed 70 teachers; five aides; two libraries; 11 district administrators; four school administrators; 1,199 students; and four schools. In 2006, all-day kindergarten replaced the school's half day kindergarten program. By 2007, USD 491 had 88 teachers and 1,400 students.
In 2005, citizens protested new stadium construction with a petition, and USD 491 announced it planned to sell the Tenth Street site for funds to build a bus depot by Eudora High School. Partial city ownership clouded the Tenth Street site title prompting the school to trade its interest in land where the pool is for $50,000 from the city and clear title to the Tenth Street property.
In 2007, USD 491, which has its office on the southeast corner of Tenth Street and Elm Street and has 1,400 students, proposed a $45 million bond for a sports stadium, elementary school, and building expansions. A record voter turnout passed the bond issue with voters south of K-10 Highway in strong support. The district bought 47 acres on east Tenth Street to build the $27 million elementary school for first through fifth grades. Eudora Elementary School, 801 W. 10th St., was built to hold up to a thousand students and opened in August 2009.
Extracurricular programs have changed and grown throughout the years. Examples include the senior trip to Kirkwood Lodge in Osage Beach, Missouri; prom and parent-sponsored “after prom” party; Homecoming Parade; Halloween parade to the nursing home from Nottingham; adopt-a-grandparent program that began in 1979 and links third-grade students with nursing home residents; Exchange City trip in fifth grade; the sixth-grade DARE: To Keep Kids Off Drugs, introduced in 1988 by Gregory Dahlem; the school play; and eighth grade graduation.
The teachers and administration, too, regularly change but grow in numbers. Some stay with the system for decades such as Joe Hanna, a high school math teacher who moved to Texas in 2004, or Charlie Watts, a Eudora High School graduate, who began his 28-year Eudora school career as a sixth grade teacher and ended it as the high school principal. One, who was with the Eudora school system for decades was Larry McPherson, a former Eudora biology teacher and athletic director. As a driver’s education teacher since 1963, he spent summers teaching students over age 14 to drive. In a 1980s news article, he was quoted as saying: “I’ve had a lot of close calls. So many, I could write a book. I grab hold of the wheel a lot.”
Several parent organizations have supported the school such as the Booster Club and Cardinal 12th Man Club started by Bruce Kracl and Tom Stein at the beginning of the 2001 EHS football season to provide the football team with pre-game meals and away game meals. It also provided an end-of-the-season scrapbook chronicling the season and tailgate parties.
Darlene (Hanks) Slapar and Edna (Bond) Holmes compiled graduates for the Eudora Lions Club. Their list has been updated by Cindy Higgins
Eudora High School graduates are:
1896: Lydia Alice Albright, Paulina Henrietta Bauer, Mary Jane Burton, Lily Vida Fowler, Amanda Jane Harvey, Grace Gertrude Orrick, Ida Bell Estelle Reed (information from a school graduation program)
1906: Ollie Abels, Carl Lothholz, Rosa Smith
1907: No graduates
1908: Charles Gerstenberger, LeRoy Harris, Douglas Harris, Ella Reber
1909: Herman Bartz, Joseph Carr, Henry Diedrich, Henry Eisele, Frances Hughes, Elsie Koebling, Harry Miller, Fred Smith, William Smith
1910: Ben Abels, Edwin Abels, Sophie Brecheisen, Forest Monroe, Alma Schubert, Lillie Smith, Norman Strachen
1911: Olive Car, Harbors Lill, Arthur Ott, Marie Robinson
1912: Louis Bartz, Arthur Copp, Noah Diedrich, Henry Fortner, Cathleen Harris, John Schopper, Lelia Thoren
1913: Herman Bohnsack, Clarence Copp, Roy Harris, Margaret Lill, Margurette Melville, Mary Schehrer, Arthur Watson
1914: Edna Dolisi, Francis Hale, Barbara Hammig, Thomas Harvey, Lula Miller, Alma Myer, Edwin Ott, Aileen Richards, Henrietta Schubert
1915: Grace Ewing, Bernice Griffee, Harold Hall, Tracy Harvey, Lydia Kanzig, Ethel Kindred, Homer Koerner, Arthur Kraus, Harry McCabria, Bertha Metz, Esther Pfleger, Helen Pfleger, Agnes Page, John Smith, Edith Strobel, Howard Woodard
1916: Samuel Carr, Myrtle Everley, Herbert Henley, Leland Kendall, Fay Lepper, J. Van Lindley, Florence Ott, Albert Schopper, Fern Smith, Ralph Terrell
1917: Esther Brecheisen, Mattie Catlin, Amy Ewing, Herbert Gerstenberger, Otto Haelsig, Anna Hammig, Consuelo Harvey, Alvena Kanzig, Esther Koehler, Hulda Thoren, Marjory White
1918: Elizabeth Copp, Otto Durr, Waldo Durr, Leoti Gabriel, James Kraybill, Otto Lotz, Leslie Marley, Selma Neis, Frank Page, Phern Perry, Lester Reber, Emma Schopper, Louis Schurle, Georgiana Stanley, Margaret Terrell, Glen Van Orsdall, Loren Wade, Hilda Ziesenis
1919: Stella Copp, Ira Everley, Anita Greiner, Spencer Johnson, Martha Peer, Mildred Roberts, Irene Smith, Harold Von Gunten, Lota Ziesenis
1920: Cecelia Blechel, Pearl Gabriel, Jerry Harris, Lydia Koehler, LeRoy Kraybill, Dorothy Lentz, Ethel Miller, Agnes Neustifter, Barbara Rothberger, Gladys Schubert, Helen Sommer
1921: Mildred Brown, Flossie Everley, Alvin Gabriel, Mayme Hale, Dorothy Hammig, John Kanzig, Erwin Kanzig, Pearl Koehler, Judith Marley, Ray Milburn, Cyril Miller, Grace Nemic, Otto Rosenau, William Schopper, Elsie Schurley, Berthold Seiwald, Raymond Snyder, Ethel Sommer, Andrew Sowers, Leona Thoren, Lena Wade, Ruth Woodard, Harvey Woodard, Edward Wichman, Pearl White, Donald White
1922: Minnie Breithaupt, Floyd Broers, Pearl Broers, Vina Copp, Fern Cox, Ina Dolisi, Lelia Gabriel, Volney Holmes, Howard Koehler, Edwin Lefmann, Charles Mertz, Genevieve Miller, Martha Schehrer, Henry Schlegel, Margaret Schopper, Josephine Seiwald, Grace Smith, William Sommer, Ailenne Von Gunteen, Margaret Zillner
1923: Harold Altenbernd, George Bartz, Ida Breithaupt, Hazel Charles, Allen Cochrun, Dorothy Coleman, Arlene Dolisi, Elvin Durr, Mildred Forsythe, Hazel Garrison, Francis Harris, Clifford Haverty, Henry Lefmann, Bernard Liston, Lillian Milburn, Viola Miller, Edwin Rice, LaVern Schubert, Winona Selzer, France Zillner, Hilda Zillner
1924: Lena Altenbernd, Merlyn Andrew, Alvin Bohnsack, Rosa Deay Copp, Thelma Deay, Curtis Diedrich, Olive Everley, Dolpho French, Lloyd Garrison, Marie Grosdidier, John Parker, Anna Schehrer, Carl Schmidt, Delmer Schultz, Edna Sommer, Vernon Strobel, Earl Tornedon, Lulu Votaw
1925: Gertrude Brazil, Clifford Breithaupt, Gail Breithaupt, Clarence Broers, Argel Cochrun, Lewis French, Alberta Gabriel, Katherine Gabriel, Gladys Jones, Hattie Leese, Howard Marley, Lottie Mathia, Bessie Milburn, Gwendolyn Perry, Elfreida Schlegel, Gertrude Schubert, Helen Selzer, Johnny Selzer, Harold Smith, Ermal Westerhaus, Clement Zillner
1926: Merle Davenport, Raymond Dissinger, Edna Duncan, Charles Durr, Lucille Gabriel, Esther Gabriel, Edward Knabe, Edmond Koerner, Howard Laughlin, Addelene Brown Milburn, Lloyd Miller, Dalphine Moore, Ernest Papenhausen, Claude Smith, Dan Sturm, Elmer Torrence, Clara Votaw, Allen Westerhouse, Alvin Westerhouse, Dorothy White, Mary Williams
1927: Pearl Bartz, Charles Brecheisen, Marguerite Combest, Wesley Deckwa, Warner Forsythe, Dorothy Haverty, Oliver Holmes, Paul Hausman, Albert Kasberger, Eva Milburn, Viola Neis, Bell Rohe, Elizabeth Schlegel, Erwin Schmidt, Lila Selzer, Clifford Snyder, Sibyl White, Arno Ziesenis
1928: Helen Altenbernd, Barbara Bichelmeyer, Delene Bowen, Genevieve Bowen, Valera Brecheisen, Fern Broers, Oscar Crane, Goldie Combest, Irene Deay, Pearl Daugherty, Doris Everely, Arthur Frederick, Madge French, Arthur Gabriel, Dorothy Gabriel, Harold Gabriel, Fields Holmes, Fern Knabe, Bernice Meeder, Maureen Moore, Edna Musick, Beulah Richardson, Robert Schellack, Edna Schmidt, Paul Sommer, Vera Woodard, Paul Zillner
1929: Oscar Broers, Emily Kniffin, Cornelia Meeder, Floyd Millington, Carroll Schneider, Christina Selzer, Angela Sommer, Frances Strobel, Mildred White, Paul Woodard, Joseph Zillner
1930: Helen Brecheisen, Agnes Coleman, Ruth Coleman, Ralph Crob, Lyle Garrett, Marie Knake, Wilma Longacre, Roy Laughlin, Jessie Marley, Gerald Russell, Linley Stanley, Marguerite Seiler, Arthur Seiwald, Irene Vitt, Eldon Votaw, Alfred Warmker, Josephine Zollner
1931: Ralph Bohnsack, Genevieve Brown, Robert Cory, Clifford Eisele, Marion Everley, Lauretta Gerstenberger, John Grist, Leslie Johnson, Mildred Kasberger, Stanley Klopfenstein, Eva Mertz, John Musick, Veral Neis, Paul Papenhausen, Ralph Snyder, Lily Zeigler, Robert Zillner
1932: Anna Bichelmeyer, Virginia Brown, Edabelle Cooper, Edward Deckwa, Wilbert Edwards, Cleo Grimes, Mildred Grob, Gerald Knabe, Emma Koehler, Edward Mathia, Joseph Marley, Margie Mayhugh, Louise Milington, Elsie Ruby Neis, Dorothy Schlegel, Mable Schendel, Ruth Seiler, Margaret Spitzli, Raymond Warmker, Geoge Zillner
1933: Herbert Altenbernd, Gladys Bond, Wilma Brecheisen, Ward Cory, Frances Erwin, Paul Gabriel, Billie Mertz, George Millington, Edward Papenhausen, Lucille Rapier, Maxine Schellack, Frederica Schlegel, Melba Schopper, Mildred Smith, Arlene Underwood, Blanche Votaw, Lucille White
1934: Dorothea Bartz, Wesley Brecheisen, Ruth Duncan, Robert Eisele, Elizabeth Erwin, Margaret Everley, Amaretta Gabriel, Gerald Grosdidier, Alberta Hadl, Frances Jennings, Durlin Kindred, Helen Mathia, Ruth Neis, Elfrieda Papenhausen, Otto Selzer, Glenn Snyder, Everett Votaw
1935: Charles Andrews, Raymond Bowen, Ezral Broers, Kermit Broers, Lois Cramer, Delbert Gerstenberger, Violet Gerstenberger, Paul Grob, Herbert Grosdidier, Annabelle Holmes, Paul Jackson, Carl Johnson, Charles Mitchell, Dorothy Mayhugh, William Neis, Gerald Ott, Roscoe Parker, Everett Roe, Ralph Rood, Delmar Spitzli, Verda Sommer, Alma Votaw, Lucille Votaw, Mable Wallace, Maurus Winter
1936: Martha Abel, Freddie Brecheisen, Luther Klopfenstein, Freda Koehler, Ruth Miller, Irene Mistele, Felix Muller, Arden Ott, Emerson Ott, Ehelbert Ott, Josephine Ott, Dale Papenhausen, Marjorie Rees, Berdean Russell, Louise Schlegel, Ramona Stanley, Allie Margaret Terrell, Lucille Walker, Dorothy Warmker
1937: Minnie Abel, Eleanor Bartz, Ruth Breithaupt, Hilda Helen Gerstenberger, Magdalene Grosdidier, Alvin Johnson, Dorothy Nuttall, Margaret Ogden, Ralph Schmidt, Virginia Shirck, Lois Williamson
1938: Ruth Bartz, Orothy Brecheisen, Treva Canary, Norman Combest, Frances Cooper, Orville Crane, Delbert Eisele, Archie Goodger, Carl Grob, Janie Guenther, Lila Hearin, Arleta Holmes, Evelyn Johannaber, Dalton Laughlin, Delbert Mathia, Edward Mistele, Delbert Neis, Ruby Neis, Esther Ott, Myrnice Ott, Vernetta Spitzli, Freddie Trefz, Wayne Vitt, Marian Votaw, Arleta Wilson
1939: Garnette Bartz, Jean Bartz, Homer Broers, Gene Daugherty, Nadine Harris, Ellis Jackson, Mary Johnson, Robert Neustifter, Mary Pence, Robert Pritchard, Lila Reetz, Katherine Reetz, Gladys Shirck, Greta Spitzli, Wesley Steinbring, Howard Trefz, Josephine Votaw, Lela Votaw, Elnora Wallace, Charlotte Weidensaul, Don Westheffer, Jean Williamson, Robert Wilson, Charles Zillner
1940: Annetta Abel, Homer Alternbernd, Benitta Bartz, Edna Bond, Arlene Bohnsack, Eva Brecheisen, Mary Eisele, Dorothy Erwin, Francis Estrada, Juanita Everley, Margaret Forsythe, Ophelia Grant, LaVerne Guenther, Alice Kindred, Wayne Laughlin, Clarence Mohler, Junior Neis, Leone Parker, Bernard Roe, Richard Steffen, Katherine Walker, Warren Warmker, Arlene Westerhouse, Joseph Votaw.
1941: Charlton Bartz, Alvin Bond Jr., Maxine Daugherty, Alice Marie Fuhs, Norman Hearin, Roger James, Lelia Kindred, Norma Kurtz, Leland Lawson, Merle Morriss, Helen Jean Ott, Leo Rothberger, Dolores Schopper, George Schopper, Marcella Schopper, Charlotte Stadler, Duane Terrell, Robert Trefz, Gladys Turner, Billy Weidensaul, Donna Mae Zillner, Kathryn Zimmerman, Robert Zimmerman
1942: Dean Alexander, Melford Bartz, Alice Maxine Brecheisen, Christine Eisele, Doris Gabriel, Lois Gerstenberger, Bernard Grosdidier, Barbara Johnson, Louie Lee Kindred, Alberta Mathia, Homer Mathia, Arletta Murray, Robert Neis, Bryona Pence, Naomi Russell
1943: June Louise Abel, Elvin Altenbernd, Jacqueline Andersen, LaVern Bagby, Garland Brown, Wayne Cattlett, Lorene Daugherty, Harvey Drake, John Eisele, Pauline Grant, Norbert Grosdidier, Lucille Huss-Pates, Nolan Johnson Jr., Shirley Long, Opal McCormack, Albert Mohler, Floyd Ott, Jackie Poe, Alvin Reetz, Edward Schopper, Betty Pearle Smith, Pauline Turner, Victor Votaw, Earnest Weixeldorfer, Harold Zimmerman
1944: Elva Ruth Abel, Maurine Blechel, Doris Bohnsack, Leola Bond, Marjorie Burton, Richard Cory, Betty DeClue, William Durr, Charline Edelbrock, Irene Estrada, Vera Gerstenberger, Rosemary Grosdidier, Ruth Henley, Patsy James, Dean Kerr, Robert Lothholz, Robert McCabria, Wayne McKenzie, Owen Miller, William Miller, Glenn Mistele, Ruth Ott, Dayle Paxton, Marilyn Rosenau, Harold Sparkes, Virginia Stadler, Wayne Strong, Arlene Vitt, Dorothy Weixeldorfer, Charles Winter
1945: George Abel, Walter Broers, Kathleen Broers, Sam Crawford, Harold Daugherty, Jessie Estrada, Arvon Gale Gerstenberger, Ivan Johnson, James Kanzig, Frances Kelly, Robert Long, Rosa Mark, Bernadine Mohler, Milton Reifschneider, Beatrice Steffen, Wilford Trefz, Eugene Westerhouse, Maxine Westerhouse, Jane Williams
1946: Delphine Bohnsack, Delta Bohnsack, Maxine Bryant, Dorothy Cooper, Arlene Grosdidier, Arthur Grosdidier, Geraldine Harris, Donald Kerr, Carl Kurtz, Edna May Robinson, Marie Rothberger, John Rowlan, Donald Seiwald, Archie Sparkes, Herbert Weidensaul, Nevieve Wilson, Dorothy Willard
1947: Carl Abel, Bernice Altenbernd, John Altenbernd, Joan Ruth Baur, Betty Jean Brunk, Nadine Mitchell Grant, Rita Ann Grosdidier, Esther Koch, Jack McCabria, Evelyn Ross, Paul Seiwald, Rosalene Seiwald, Dorothy Votaw, Natalie Weixeldorfer, Beverly Westerhouse
1948: Ruby Baecker, Lois Beers, Richard Bryant, Mary Delene Eder, Galen Gabriel, Gayle Gabriel, Luther Goldsby, Leon Johnson, Maxine Miller, Beverly Prichard, Frank Raley Jr., Margie Ann Rothberger, Mary Ann Schopper, Wilma Sparkes, Donnie Young, Ronnie Young
1949: Wanda Bernitz, Betty Caviness, Orval Cluchey, Hurman Cobb, Thurman Cobb, Gary Everley, Edgar Grosdidier, Paul Gruber, Gloria Harris, Janet Koch, Paul Kurtz, Howard Reitzel, Shirley Ann Rosenau, Charles Ross, Alberta Schopper, Ann Mae Sears, Delbert Seiwald, Doris Sheldon, Louis Showbaker, Donald Simon, James Weidensaul, Robert Woodard, Richard Ziesenis
1950: Violet Abel, Marion Able, Delores Blechel, Carol Joyce Bond, Theresa Dunlap, Robert Durbin, Robert Durr, George Eder, Dorothy Grider, Gene Hosford, Jerry Langan, Gene Mosser, Iona Musick, William Neustifter, Georgette Oellein, Avery Oliver, Mary Ann Schehrer, Rose Schopper, Irene Sparkes, Suana Stark, Kenneth Stadler
1951: Marie Bryant, Kathleen Cluchey, Maxine Diedrich, Joan Dunlap, Katherine Estrada, Kathryn Agnes Kelly, Oliver Kurtz, Raymond Kurtz, Robert long, Harold Neis, Gretta Reetz
1952: Wanda Baecker, Beverly Broers, William Edwards, Margaret Gabriel, Wayne Gerstenberger, Roselea Hagerman, David Hanson, Phyllis Higbee, Genevieve Kurtz, Ann Long, Ward Mercier, Marlene Mohler, Imogene Musick, Rosemary Rinke, Donald Schehrer, Helen Schehrer, John Schehrer, Carol Sparkes, Gloria Taylor, Charlene Vitt, Dolores Warmker
1953: Martha Born, Mary Born, Betty Broers, Elwood Burns, Doris Caviness, Pearl Cobb, James Crawford, Thelbert Dean, Freda Robbins Dredge, Gabriel Dunlap, Verldyne Gammill, Betty Jean Gilbreth, Susan Hanson, Elree Harmon, Elaine Harris, Beth Hurlock, LaDonna Kazmaeir, Gary Lawellin, John Long, Charles May, Clifford Neis, Barbara Oliver, Margaret Parker, Willow Mae Pool, Donna Mae Reusch, Charles Shawbaker, Everett Thayer, Sylvia Vanderhoof, Velda Votaw, Robert Westerhouse
1954: Donald Campbell, Reba Cobb, Marjorie Eder, Margaret Fulks, Sylvia Gerstenberger, Donald Gibbs, Tressa Griffin, Cletus Grosdidier, Hazel Bryant James, Leland Massey, Jonell Nickolson, Darlene Ott, Mary Ellen Schurr, Gloria Simons, Shirley Smith, Gwinetha Stark, Marlene Votaw, Norma Wichman, Jean Yates
1955: Myron Bernitz, Jeanette Broers, William Burns, Clayton Durr, Harry Edwards, Barbara Everley, Janice French, Maxine Gammill, Willis Griffin, Stephen Hadle, Peggy Hausman, William Long, Barbara Mercier, Charles Neis, Tommy Oliver, Ilodean Pool, Catherine Rayburn, Blaine Robbins, Betty Schehrer, Eddie Shawbaker, Julia Sluder, Georgia Thayer
1956: Donald Bagby, Joe Byington, Arnold Cluchey, Everett Cluchey, Karen Fleming, Bobby Fulks, Nancy Greer, Marrie Harris, Jimmy Harris, Meredith Johnson, John Landon, Patty Miner, Keith Neis, Virginia Nusbaum, Ruth Petefish, Mrs. Algona Phipps, Emmaline Rinke, Rosalie Rothberger, Mary Seiwald, Barbara Spitzli, Elda Ann Thornburg, Margean Westerhouse, Robert Williams, Shirley Young
1957: Marjorie Broers, Roger Cain, Gerald Campbell, Geraldine Campbell, Tommy Chittenden, Bennie Dean, June Diedrich, Karl Eisele, Sharon Englebrecht, Helen Frazier, Wilfred Hadl, Deloris Harris, John Kazmaier, Mary Kelly, Richard Knabe, Harold Massey, Lois Neis, Richard Rinke, Teresa Ross, Joan Rothberger, Bob Schehrer, Laurece Smith, Laurene Smith, Ronnie Smith, Bonita Taylor, Marvin Thompson, Kurt vonAchen, Deanne Wilson, Fred Wilson
1958: Doriz Ann Bartz, Donald Bohnsack, Delbert Breithaupt, Wanda Cobb, Oral Dean Craven, Merlin Eisenbarger, Phillip Everley, Carrol Gerstenberger, Evabelle Kindred Gerstenberger, Velma Hadl, Calvin Hausman, Lee Hunt, Mary Jane Jackson, Pasy Kelley, Karl Koch, David Lenahan, Janice Lutz, Ruth May, Bob Mueller, Arthur Neis, Bernice Neis, Clobert Noble, Sue Pitts, Patsy Schehrer, Dean Stark, Carolyn Starkey, Henry Starkey, Robert Vigna, Elizabeth Weeks, Joan Weimer, James Wilson, Emmett Wright
1959: Don Ball, Eveleyn Brewer, Norma Jean Campbell, Mary Dean, Judy Durr, Shirley Eder, Virginia Fudge, Jerry Gabriel, Charles Greer, Edna Griffin, Barbara Harris, Annette Hunt, Billie Dean Lee, Carol Ann Martin, Donald Morley, A. J. Morris, Donal Neal, Bernice Rinke, Carol Ann Smith, Rebecca Terrell, John Young
1960: Veronica Bagby, Carolyn Beeman, Donald Burns, Priscilla Clark, Carolyn Colman, Nancy Eisele, Walter Engelbrecht, LaWanda Gerstenberger, Horace Goforth Jr., Glenda Hicks, Constance Kelley, Judy J. Kindred, Claude Landon III, Suzanne Lenahan, Mary Elizabeth Long, Marilyn Meuffel, Judith Miller, Emma Jean Miner, John Morris, Marsue Neis, John Petefish, Pearl Ann Peterson, Sharon Raybern, Jefferey Simons, Diana Smith, Suzy vonAchen, Walter West, Larry Wilson
1961: Kenneth Born, John Broers, Roger Broers, Robert Burns, Howard Butts, Connie Colman, Lois Criss, Carolyn Eder, Larry Gabriel, Phyllis George, Clyde Gibson, Ronald Grosdidier, Shirley Hadl, Dorena Hausman, Shirley Hayden, Julia Jeffery, Kenneth Lawson, William Long, Robert Morley, Jack Murphy, Dean Neal, Linda Neis, Rosemary Nusbaum, Lina Reusch, Arlene Shafer, Bonnie Withers Slifer, David Spitzli, Dennis Trabant, Richard Vigna, Donald Warmker, Paulette Young
1962: Elbert Anderson, Roberta Bagby, Larry Beers, Gloria Blevins, Etta Louise Brewer, Burney Deonier, Karolyn Diedrich, Patricia Eder, Anna Eldridge, Richard Folks, Marilyn Frye, Robert Gabriel, James Goforth, Alvin Goodger, Nathan Hale, Judy Hicks, Mary Jeffrey, Lyle Kindred, Mike Lenahan, Mera May, Carol McGee, Ronnie Means, Wayne Mueller, Henry Neis, Robert Noble, Allan Ott, Clarence Rinke, Judy Roberts, Wilbur Sarlls, John Scott, Elaine Schockley, Marilyn Votaw, Clarence White, Barbara Zook
1963: Bernadette Anderson, LaVerna Burkhardt, Gary Clark, Marcella Ann Eder, William David Eisele, Sandra June Farris, Carl Fleming, Larry Folks, Sharon Kay Gerstenberger, Vernon Hadl, Jeanette Hale, Joyce Hale, Josephine Ingle, Danny Jennings, Jerry Kazmaier, Sherry Fry, Norman Meuffel, Douglas Morris, William Neis, Judy Dianna Nunn, Jerry Ott, Larry Ott, Judith Ann Pack, Fred Pointer, Geraldine Raybern, Paul Ross, Kathleen Susan Schehrer, Joseph Schmidt, Thereas Ann Schmidt, Ronald Schmidt, Dorothy Smith, Duane Smith, Sharon Stoelmaker, Galen Trabant, Sharon Tuggle, Frank Twigg, Charlie Watts, Donald Wright, Opal Sharon Young
1964: Margaret Arketa, Dale Berryman, David Berryman, Marilyn Ann Born, Ted Broers, Judith Kay Brown, Linda Faye Burkhardt, Robert Collins, Rynold Dee Wayne Cruson, Claudia Dean, Katheryn Eder, Clara Jean Eldridge, Mary Carol Eldridge, Terry Fry, Collette Mary Gilroy, Connie Lynn Gabriel, Helen Maxine Morris, Teri Lynn Johnson, Karen Lawson, Dale Long, Frank Martin Jr., April Lynn Miller, Dale Neal, Lucinda Lou Neis, Rayna Laura Nixon, Roseanne Nusbaum, Katherine Elaine Pack, Robert L.T. Phyllips, Judy Reeves, Harold Reusch Jr., Irvin Rohe, Linda Sarlls, Larry Scott, John Spitzli, Harold Taylor, Sylvia Terrell, Betty Jane Thoren, Larry Williams, Ronald Williams, Anna Dottie Workman
1965: George Anderson, Edward Bagby, Mary Ann Beeman, George Blevins, Dennis Bonebrake, James Broers, Gregory Colman, Mary Coltrane, Sandra Sue Edwards, Mary Kathleen Estock, Terry Evinger, Danny Folks, Carolyn Mae Gilroy, Donnie Goff, Ardyce Ellen Goodger, Kenneth Grosdidier, Rex Guenther, Maribeth Guffey, William Hadl, Harold Hale, Hermon Harris Jr., Lois Marie Holmes, Merle Ingle, Joseph Johnston, Marilyn Kay Katzfey, Mary Katherine Kelly, Bobby Dean Langston, Nathan Light Jr., Diana Lee Lutz, Stephen McNeil, Michael Martin, Michael Mersmann, Linda Kay Miller, Allen Marie Morriss, Patricia Jolene Neis, Cheryl Ann Nixon, Vicki Lynn Oleson, Evelyn Kay Peterson, Edward Allen Reid, F. Dwane Richardson, Mary Elizabeth Robb, Bernadine Romines, Kenneth Schockley, Darrell Smith, Barbara Kay Taylor, Beverly May Taylor, Valerie Taylor, Jimmy Tesch, Jerry Trober, Linda June Trober, Alan Votaw, Judith LaGene Wayland, Paige Oliva Wolf
1966: Carmen Alvarez, Shirley Broers, David Durkin, Edward James Farris, Jerry Wesley Fry, Cathy Gilroy, William Earl Gordon, Betty Hadl, Alvin Hall, Delta Joy Herndon, Bert Holmes, Alton Wayne Jackson, Michael Jennings, Dianna Lynn Johnston, Elaine Sue Lutz, Frederick Mersmann, Thomas Mersmann, Melvin Allen Morriss Jr., Diana Ruth Neal, Nevin Robert O’Berg, Mary Victoria Saler, Judith Mary Schehrer, Julian Weeks, William Weeks, Larry Wurtz
1967: Martin Alvarez, Kathleen Anderson, Phyllis Born, Rose Born, Linda Brewer, Connie Burkhardt, Wanda Daniels, Mary Dardis, Robert Eagle, Otis England, Opal Foster, Nancy Frye, Ricky Gammill, Sheila Gordon, Ronald Gregory, Ernest Gwin, Kathryn Hicks, Clara Ingle, Grover Johnson, Robert Katzfey, Patricia Kelly, Paul Martin Jr., David Miller, Effie Morriss, Merritt Musick, Merilee Neis, Robert Nusbaum, James O’Berg, Delores Oelschlaeger, Roberta Ott, Larry Peterson, Terry Porter, Lyle Richardson, Janet Rider, Jean Rohe, Anita Shepard, James Smith, Johnny Thatcher, Pamela Tuggle, Felicia Vorhies, Lois Williams, Gordon Wolter
1968: Clydelia Babb, Ricky Beach, Gordon Blevine, Steven Bonebrake, Francis Born, Jan Broers, Carol Brown, Rex Burkhardt, Kathryn Dardis, Donald Decker, John Durkin, Marvin Eldridge, Linda England, Philip Foster, Roger Fry, Darrell Gabriel, Mark Gabriel, Connie Gilroy, Patricia Grant, Violet Gray, Mary Grosdidier, Anna Hall, Larry Jameson, Linda Kurtz, Billie Langston, Sandra Luther, John Martin, Brenda McConkey, Carol Neis, Laura O’Berg, John Reeves, Janet Saler, Wanda Shelton, Perry Shepard, Miriam Strickell, Larry Taylor, Tommy Teague, David Tuggle, Kenneth Vorhies, Melanie Westerhaus, Richard Williams, Charles Workman, Linda Wurtz
1969: George Abel, Carl Abel, Earl Babb, Ginger Besser, Timothy Bonebrake, Susan Boone, Donna Burkhardt, Pamela Clayton, Linda Davis, Galen Dean, Carolyn Dodson, Susan Durkin, Dennis Eisele, David Evinger, Rita Fulks, Gary Gregory, James Guffey, Trudy Gwin, Jackie Hall, Linda Heidlebaugh, Carol Hopper, Mark Lauber, Mary Laughlin, Patricia Long, Diana Mason, Dennis McConkey, Dennis Meuffel, Lynn Miller, Judy Oeschlaeger, Alf Trigva Hauff Oleson II, Ana Ortiz-Varga, Jane Ott, Kathy Patrick, Jane Reese, Phyllis Reeves, Marilyn Robinson, Dennis Shepard, Judith Shockley, Mary Sommer, Sandra Standley, Katherine Taylor, Peggy Thatcher, Glenda Vines, Douglas Wehner, Rex Williams, Juanita Wray, Sharron Yother
1970: Gary Abel, Margaret Anderson, Joyce Born, Dorothy Brewer, Jane Broers, Clifford Couch, Robert Crowe, Pad Dardis, Cathryn Deay, Gary Dunavin, James Durkin, Denise Edwards, Francis Erwin, Rodney Evinger, Donald Flowers, Mike Ford, Martha Grosdidier, Linda Hague, Roger Henderson, Mark Howard, Margie Kelly, Walt Mersmann, Larry Musick, Robert Rice, Ileen Rider, Margaret Shouse, Delbert Skinner, Linda Slapar, Angela Sommer, Eddie Stanley, Judy Taylor, Mike VanDyke, Richard Vines, Sue Vorhies, Gary Warmker, Greg Wehner, JoAnn Westerhaus, Peggy Westerhouse, Tom Wheeler, John White, David Worrells
1971: Danny Abel, Darrell Abel, Angela Alvarez, Janet Burkhardt, Stella Collins, Samuel Crawford, Joseph Davis, Michael Erwin, Janet Folks, Bill Fulks, Cyrilla Gilroy, Larry Gray, John Gronninger, Barbara Grosdidier, Alvie Guy, Marilyn Hadl, Yvonne Hadl, Terry Hankey, Gene Hunsaker, Gary Jackson, Nancy Jennings, Cindy Johnson, Sandra Johnson, Dennis Katzfey, Shirley Keech, David Kurtz, Jeannie Kurtz, Randlal Luther, Darlene McCoy, Marlene McCoy, Lynda McDaniel, Steven Martin, Pamela Miller, Terrence Miner, Daniel Mott, Janice Musick, Bruce Neis, Walter Nemecheck, Marshall Nunn, Peggy Ott, Joseph Pyle, Clyde Sarlls, Timothy Shepard, Deborah Smith, Earl Strickell, Richard Tallant, Sally Cool, Dennis Tyler, Norman Tyler, Pamela Van Dyke, Vestana von Achen, Larry Wheeler, Robert Wisdom, Rebecca Yother
1972: Barbara Bartling, Susan Bonebrake, Diane Born, Brenda Burkhardt, Judy Broers, Cheri Criss, Linda Crawford, Jerry Cyr, Mark Dardis, Stella Darton, Terry Dunavin, Richard Edwards, Glenda Foster, Sonya Fulks, Valerie Givens, Patricia Grosdidier, Roberta Guffey, Nancy Hadl, Barbara Hall, Carol Hall, Joe Holmes, Ricky Jamison, Janet Katzfey, Betty Langston, Linda LaVezzi, Melissa Laughlin, Chris Lauber, JayAnn Mannen, Joseph Martin, Patricia Martin, Patricia McConkey, Peggy McDaniel, Wanda Mersmann, Karla Sue Miller, Michael Murphy, Gregory Neis, Pamela Reese, Melinda Reeves, Kathy Schehrer, Karen Shepard, Patricia Skinner, Michael Snow, William Smith, Richard Strong, Michael Tallant, Linda Vines, Beth Vorhies, Jerry Wieneke, Linda Wingebach, William Wisdom, Brenda Yarnell, Charles Young, Diana Young
1973: Jackie Abel, Katherine Abel, Esteban Alvarez, Daniel Anderson, David Becker, Roxanne Brecheisen, Debra Burroughs, Carol Carter, Ronald Conner, Shirley Crawshaw, Donna Davis, Denise Durrant, Brent Durr, Kirsten Enholm, Benjamin Erwin, William Fish, Dennis Folks, Mary Folks, Richard Fulks, Martha Gronninger, Charlene Guy, James Hopper, Denise Howard, Jenice Howard, Dale Kurtz, Deborah Kurtz, Michael Lane, Joy Lauber, Mark Laws, Daryl L’Ecuyer, Terrance L’Ecuyer, James Light, Donna Luther, Alan Lynch, Michael McGee, Nancy Mott, Brian Neis, Mark Nicolay, Patricia Nusbaum, Dori Puett, Rose Pyle, Donald Richardson, Christie Rider, Jeanne Roberts, Annette Schopper, Gary Scott, Charles Slaughter, Edith Smith, LaDonna Snow, Stephen Tyler, Patricia VanDyke, Michele West, Michael Westerhouse, Amelia Wilson, Eva Marie Wilson, Charles Wingebach, Winona Wisdom, Larry Wray
1974: JoAnn Abel, David Altenbernd, Anita Alvarez, Patricia Beach, Julie Blake, Terry Brouhard, Linda Bryan, David Burchett, Randall Carnagie, Richard Crawford, Bruce Couch, Donald Durkin, Marilyn Edwards, Ronda Fish, Gary Fulks, Daniel Gayler, Delores Grosdidier, Martha Gruber, Sharon Hadl, Sherry Holt, Catherine Hopper, Lawrence Hunsaker, Reggy Jamison, Russell Julian, Michael Katzfey, Michael Kelly, Susan Kelly, Michael Kurtz, Adam L’Ecuyer, Pamela Lowenstein, Kim Long, Brigitte Lothholz, Jim Love, Brenda Lynch, Paul Neis, David Oxley, Christy Roberts, Robin Russell, John Schehrer, David Smith, Janet Sommer, Darla Trefz, Anthony VanDyke, Karen Wehner, Joe Whitten, Debra Willliams, Gary Wilson, Jay Wilson, Robert Wyer, Ricky Yarnell, Denise Young, Richard Ziesenis
1975: Anne Altenbernd, Terri Bagby, Sandra Beeman, Cynthia Bickerstaff, Bryanitta Bloxham, Joanne Born, Diane Buerman, Debra Burchett, David Bushnell, Gregory Dardis, Randolph Davis, Ronald Davis, Gary Decker, Christa Durrant, Loretta Fish, Kenneth Folks, Roger Fulks, Sharilyn (Hime) Fulks, Paul Grosdidier, Delores Hadl, Michael Harris, Gary Hill, Darrell Hime, Kenneth Holladay, Joni Holloway, Glen Jackson, Howard Kastl, David Lauber, Kathy Luther, Gary Mason, Kenny Massey, Sandra McDaniel, Mark Mosser, Steven Mott, Candace Musick, Jerry Neis, Monte Nicolay, Ann Norton, Sharon Oxley, William Parsons, Bernadette Pyle, Renee Ravins, Holly Reusch, Mark Reynolds, Cynthia Richardson, Rebecca Saler, John Schopper, Barbara Shouse, Cathleen Slankard, Caroline Slaughter, Charles Spring, Samuel Stanley, Mary Strong, Romona Van Dyke, Kenneth Wright
1976: Mary Abel, Mark Altenbernd, Donna Bagby, Bonnie Bartling, John Becker, Mark Besser, Leslie Bloxham, Larry Born, Michael Born, Mark Brecheisen, Darlene Bryan, Randall Burchett, Ginger Burkhalter, Kenneth Dewey, Julie Farrier, John Gilroy, Patricia Grammer, Margaret Gruber, Ricky Hall, Larry Harris, Kevin Holladay, Pamela Hopkins, Margaret Hopper, Kathryn Jamison, Randy Jamison, Ernest Johnson, Joyce Katzfey, Penelope Love, Kevin May, Mary Moore, Kimberlie Nitz, Kathleen Parsons, David Richardson, Pamela Russell, Kim Schehrer, Mary Schopper, Sharon Schultz, Julie Shepard, Jana Slapar, Tracy Tibbits, Annette Trefz, Donna Vasseur, Brenda Vines, William Westerhouse, Brenda Zimmerli
1977: Karen Altenbernd, Tammy Bell, John Bigler, Jeff Black, Paul Blake, Sheila Bloxham, Don Born, Dough Born, Keith Brecheisen, Kathy Brouhard, Mike Brouhard, Cindy Carter, Jeff Cleveland, Larry Cyr, Michael Dardis, Deborah Douglas, Ronald Goodwin, Maureen Gronniger, David Grosdidier, Don Grosdidier, Connie Hadl, Gerald Hadl, Don Hall, Kim Hamlin, Greg Holloway, Eva Holmes, Karla Johnston, Debbie Katzfey, Barry Landon, Brian Landon, Julie L’Ecuyer, Marti Light, Kathy Mason, Mitch Massey, Karrie May, Dawn Puett, Jay Ravins, Steve Richardson, Tony Rider, Vonna Rider, Jay Runnion, Connie Russell, Kim Russell, Amy Saler, Vicki Schehrer, Brian Scott, Faith Slankard, Bob Slaughter, Jenetta Slavin, Cecil Snyder, Patricia Stewart, Pam Trefz, Beth Whitten, Robin Wieneke, Dennis Wilson, Neil Wright, Debbie Yarnell, Ronda (Fulks) Van Dyke
1978: Paul Abel, Julie Allen, David Alvarez, Dale Anders, Michael Becker, Mark Brecheisen, Deborah Breithaupt, William Brynds, Debra Carnagie, Earl Carnagie, James Clark, Suzanne Cook, Gregory Dahlem, Howard Darr, Jaimie Dewey, Saundra Dickerson, Robert Eisenbarger, Daren Evinger, Dwight Folks, Michael Gammill, Mitchel Gayler, Scot Hamlin, Timothy Hanson, Marty Henderson, David Hill, Ronald James, Rhett Jamison, Ward Johnston, Richard Katzfey, Leah Katzfey, Jim King, Lynn Landkamer, Anthony Laster, Daniel L’Ecuyer, Jeannnene Lowenstein, Sheryl Long, Steven Luther, Robin Lutz, Jacquelyn Lyle, Robert Massey, Stacy Massey, Donald Miller, Gina Morriss, Sharon Mosser, Jeanette Musick, Michele Noble, Marianne Oxley, Donald Potts, Laury Puett, Jimmy Reed, Gregory Reynolds, Patricia Russell, Roy Sarlls, Christina Slankard, Cynthia Slavin, Darren Smith, Deborah Smith, Sherrie Smith, Thomas Snyder, Nancy Trefz, John Van Dyke, Frances Williams, Raymond Wright, Dennis Yarnell, Timothy Ziegler
1979: Donald Abel, Ronald Abel, Mark Altenbernd, Rita Anderson, Leslie Bagby, Pamela Baker, Donald Barlett, James Becker, Linda Bell, Nancy Born, Edward Boyer, Nancy Brecheisen, B. Delbert Breithaupt Jr., Robert Bryan, Vicki Brynds, Dale Carnagie, Richard Clark, Robin Cleveland, Cindy Coleman, Debra Conner, Janet Dalton, Jeffrey Dardis, Brenda Durr, Pamela Eisenbarger, Sharrol Everley, Mark Fulks, Mark Grosdidier, Sherri Herndon, Shari Holloway, Arlan Holmes, Paula Hopkins, Timothy Jones, Patricia Kanzig, Jerome Katzfey, Duane Kurtz, Bruce Landon, Cord Laws, Sandra L’Ecuyer, Christian Lowenstein, Jerry Long, Karen Long, Kerry May, David Moore, Timothy Moore, Paul Mott, Samuel Neis, Linda Oxley, Christine Parson, Edward Pyle, Tracy Ravins, Wendy Reed, William Rhodd, Phyllis Richardson, Tracy Robson, Mark Russell, Diana Slavin, Brian Snow, Johnny Stewart, Rodney Strickell, Kerri Tibbits, Sondra Vick, Timothy Wagner, Thomas Whitten, Lynn Wilson, Thomas Wingebach, Tamara Wisdom, Laura Wright
1980: David Allen, Richard Allen, Robert Ayers, Patricia Barlett, Stacy Bauer, Michael Beerbower, Kimberly Black, MaxAnn Bond, Betty Bryant, Delano Brown, James Cavendar, Cheryl Cawley, Gary Dahlem, Jennifer Dalton, Anne Dardis, Yvonne DeKeyser, Sarah Douglass, Carol Eaton, JoAnn Flowers, Dorena Fulks, James Gilroy, Lisa Guy, Teresa Guy, Galen Hall, Teresa Hamlin, Anita Henrikson, Robin Hicks, Deborah Hime, Mathias Holladay, Richard Hopson, Joseph Jerome, Jennifer King, Karla Knabe, Ricky Lawrence, J. Scott Lickteig, Michael Long, Rhonda LoVette, Rickey Lutz, Leah McKinney, Sheri Massey, Sarah May, James Miller, Monica Patz, Patrick Pyle, Susan Quiring, Susan Rider, Eric Rochester, Melinda Seuell, Daniel Slankard, William Slavin Jr., Tamie Smith, Mark Tams, Allen Tarpey, Patricia Trefz, Donna Tuttle, Kathy Vick, Gwendolyn Yarnell, Scott Young, Rachelle Ziesenis
1981: Gerald Allen, Victor Allen, Christopher Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, Carma Bennett, Teresa Bond, Earl Brynds, Bradley Byrne, Ramond Carroll, Kay Cawley, Gail Coleman, William Crowe, Shawn Cleveland, Rebecca Everley, John Ferguson, Lisa Fish, Douglas Frost, Jim Grosdidier, Kelly Hall, Michael Hanson, David Hilt, Judith Jerome, Gerald Kahle, William Kelly, Pamela Landon, Rick Lauber, Timothy Lauber, Donetta Lawrence, Julie Laws, Nina Lee, Michele Long, Janice Luther, Kelly Lynch, Sylvia McPherson, Yvonne Minter, Susan Musick, Bobby Naff, Jana Noble, John Oxley, Pamela Reynolds, Michael rice, Evonna Rictor, Michael Roach, Darren Roper, Debbie Russell, Donna Shultz, April Shepard, Jeffrey Smith, Rhonda Stanley, Tracy Trefz, Georgia Van Dyke, Gregory Wendt, Virginia Whitten, Lori Wilson, Deborah Young, Theodore Ziegler
1982: Shellie Anderson, Alexia Athey, Marcia Bagby, Carla Baise, Blackburn, Melissa Blackburn, Allen Boyer, Deanna Burns, Kevin Carlyle, David Cook, Denise DeKyser, Anita Forsyth, Brad Goff, Teresa Harlow, Donald Harris, Milisa Henderson, Samuel Hopper, James Hopson, Judith Humston, Kevin Hurt, Jody Jahn, Nancy Katzfey, Tina Lee, Rita Lindsay, Timothy Martin, Teresa Moore, Wayne Neis, Leonard Percival, Thomas Pyle, Beth Ravins, Debbie Robbins, Vicki Russell, Sherry Rutz, Leroy Saunders, Larry Shawbaker, Timothy Slavin, Janetta Slifer, John Smith, Nadine Smith, Lisa Smith, Tammy Spencer, Debra Trefethen, Stanley Wilson, John Wingebach, Sandra Young
1983: Chris Abel, Timothy Avey, Rick Ayers, Terry Beem, Antonio Botello, Martin Boyd, Steven Boyer, James Brown, Brete Bryne, Cynthia Cook, Paula Coon, Merlin Eisenbarger, Kenneth Englebrecht, Daniel Faler, Randy Flowers, Karen Forsyth, Luci Grosdidier, Darren Hall, Richard Heitzamn, Renee Henderson, James Hoover Jr., Jan Howell, Timothy James, Melissa Jarrett, Patrick Jerome, Lisa Katzfey, Keith Knabe, Karla Laws, Shawnua Lawson, Marci LoVette, Janatha McPherson, Teresa Mills, Robert Musick, Mark Neis, Russ Neis, Russ Neis, Stacie Neis, Midge Nicholson, Kent Noble, Mary Rausch, Keith Rutz, James Schneider, Jackie Slavin, Leah Strong, Cheryl Tarpy, Kimberly Vick
1984: Mark Allen, Amy Anderson, Shawn Athey, Duane Beerbower, Linda Bennett, Randy Besser, Bale Bryant, Albert Brynds, Mike Burns, Teresa Cawley, Jodie Christopherson, Bobbie Cummings, Carlette Deay, Kevin Fulks, Chris Grosdidier, Kathleen Grow, Marcia Henderson, Sylvia Hernandez, Susan Howard, Steven Hurt, Christy Jarrett, Jay Johnson, Jim Katzfey, Tammy King, Jeff Landon, Frances Ray, Chris Love, Vicky Plagemeyer, Edwina Pickering, Rexanna Rictor, Bill Robbins, Greg Roper, Stephanie Shipe, Amy Slankard, Lori Smith, Jackie Spurlock, Kyle Tilley, Becky Times, Fred Trefz, Carl Tuttle, DeeAnn Whitesell, Patty Young
1985: Kenna Adkinson, Kim Allen, Rebecca Ayers, Jennifer Baldridge, Robin Bischoff, Danella Clark, Christopher Deay, William Folks, Jill Fritz, Steven Hamlin, Michael Hanna, Patricia Heitzman, Dana Hilt, Thais Holladay, Eric Johnston, Ginny Johnston, Scot Johnston, Keri Katzfey, Alex Lindsey, Eugene Meuffel, Barbara Mousseau, Donald Musick, Deborah Neis, Rhoda O’Keefe, Laetitia Price, Kyle Rice, Dearld Robinson, Melissa Shipe, Robin Sieber, Shana Slifer, John Steffen, Tammy Jo Steffen, Richard Stout, Lisa Tesch, Phyllis Van Dyke, William Widerholt Jr.
1986: Becky Abel, Tammie Blackburn, Dolores Born, Michelle Boyd, Jerry Brown, Karla Bryant, Wesley Bulleigh, Katherine Cale, Julia Cannon, Laurie Christopherson, Curtis Dalrymple, Christi Davis, Kelly Decker, Julia Fish, Ann Grosdidier, Dawn Henderson, Lynn Hicks, Stein Hustad, Amy Johnston, Julie Katzfey, Tamara May, James Neis, Kevin Ott, Marie Pickering, Roberta Pyle, Monte Scott, Dee Ann Seiwald, Brook Shepard, Diane Westerhaus, Steven Wood, Denice Yeager, Barbara Zook
1987: Stephanie Arnold, Mathew Beem, Ryan Besser, Dale Boone, Michael Boyd, Dayna Buckley, Timothy Clark, Keith Davis, Brenda Dunn, Ronald England, Amy Evinger, Mary Freeman, Darrin Fry, Robert Gabriel, Kristina Hadl, Steven Harris, Sally Heitzman, Kyle Hopkins, Pennie Johnston, Victoria King, Todd Kleinschmidt, Craig L’Ecuyer, Michelle Lorenzo, Chirs Lynch, Maria Malburg, Belinda Maples, Dale Neis, Mathew Neis, Daniel Rood, Lela Shepard, Tresa Shoemaker, Jamie Spitzli, Debra Taylor, Todd Thomas, Mary Ann Wallace, Tracy Wanders, Michael Williams, Steven Wilson, Ronald Wineinger, Derrick Yeager, Edward Young
1988: Wendy Adkinson, Carl Arvidson, Stacy Baird, Branden Boyd, Joseph Brunk, Robert Bryant, Karla Childress, Paul Coover, Melisa Cowles, Rene Dalrymple, Cynthia Daniels, Dana Deonier, Carrie Evinger, Dana Foster, Aimee Freeman, Roxene Hadl, Angela Hanna, Mike Hedden, Kristina Hickman, Robert Hopson, John Howell Jr., Rebecca Jarret, Timothy King, Robert Lemmons, Christopher Lynn, Tracy Mark, Shannon McClendon, Allen Miller, David Orr, Tammy Ott, Mika Parviainen, Dennis Pearce, William Rector, Garrison Rhodd, Larry Sarlls, Karin Tesch, Darin Votaw, Stephanie Wilson, Richard Wise, Tanya Wise
1989: Patrick Altenbernd, Mark Arvidson, Amanda Avey, Aaron Black, Jeffrey Bookout, Steven Cawley, Brian Coover, Kenneth Crawshaw, Andrew Criqui, Sheri Cummings, James Davis, Steven Grosdidier, Gina Hausman, Tesa Hedden, Danny Henderson, Rodney Hopkins, Kurt Hopson, Shane Kaufman, Kandi Kleinschmidt, Kendi Lawson, Jody Long, Kristene Long, Tiffany Long, Janet Mackey, Franklin McPherson, Kevin Miller, Daniel Morgan, Darren Nolen, Lisa Oglesby, Michael Oleson, Traci Ott, Jerry Pickering, Norman Pitts, Michael Proctor, Jon Rector, John Richardson Jr., Bruce Rockhold, Donald Rogers, Sarah Sarlls, Angela Scott, Mary Scott, Dawn Scribner, Jenifer Skulskie, Christy Stanton, Matthias Staples, Galye Walters, Amy Weeks, Penny Wendland, Heidi Whited, Tammy Whitesell, Michael Wiederholt, Dana Winkle
1990: Ehren Adams, Nils Ahrlich, Amy Altenbernd, Angela Anders, Michelle Barnhardt, Steven Benoit, Corey Bulllian, Clinton Bryant, Jason Buckley, Monte Buerman, Jeffrey Cook, Stephanie Coon, Melanie Dean, Jeffrey Dingman, Wendy Elliot, Jason Fish, Lisa Folks, Jason Fry, Jeffrey Gabriel, James Gabriel, Jason Garrett, Katie Gezel, Ronald Gregory, Mandolin Gregory, Tracey Henrikson, Kendra Hopkins, Shelly Isch, Michael Jerome, Tim Ketcham, Lonny Kindred, Scott Kleinschmidt, Ronald Lindsey, Michaela Longacre, Tina Mason, John Meuffel, Paul Miller, James Minter, Joel Morgan, Stanley Neis, Stephanie Neis, Steven Orr, Cheryl Ott, Robert Owsley, Jackie Percival, Kirsten Rice, Catherine Rogers, Heather Satomi, Cynthia Scott, Theresa Seiwald, Amee Shepard, Joyce Snodgrass, Rachel Steffen, Michelle Stiffler, Roger Stone, Theron Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Lara Thoren, Melody Tilden, Theodore Trzos, Kristine Wood
1991: Kristi Arvidson, Shandon Bailey, John Bichelmeyer, Lucas Broers, Jason Copes, Jane Cox, Jody Deshazer, KanDee Fulks, Rebekah Freeland, Jeff Gregory, Alise Hughes, Abby Hull, Chad Hunsaker, Lisa Johnson, Cherrie Lawrence, Steffanie Lutz, Mike Mackey, Dawnita Mercer, Jody Miller, Clint Montcrief, Joanna Morgan, Ladina Morris, Chad Musick, Jeff Myer, Allsion Nail, Billie Rhodd, Barclay Richardson, David Shockley, Titus Staples, Jim Tesch, Margaret Trzos, Jeff Vigneron, Chris Votaw, Randy Woodson, Tony Zuga
1992: John Abel, Lori Altenbernd, Jennifer Alvarez, Tara Andrews, Gwen Athey, Ana Avila, Georgina Avila, Gretchen Ayler, Damon Baird, Octavio Bastos, William Benoit, Amy Black, Errin Bond, Mark Brunk, Kimberley Buche, Jennifer Bryne, Michaela Coppedge, Terry Crawshaw, Jason Cundiff, Bonnie Dingman, Mark Drennan, Rachel Dunavin, Jonathan Evinger, Gretchen Freeland, William Freeman, Adam Gabriel, Janna Garrett, Amy Gordon, William Grosdidier, Amy Guinn, Amanda Harris, Jamy Hickman, Jason Hoover, Kimberly Jenks, Ryan Keim, Colby Kist, Andrew Lorenzo, Maribeth Malburg, Paula McCoy, Angela McKiney, Bret Meuffel, Sharla Miller, Melvin Morriss, Kerri Notestine, Carie Oxford, Mariana Pedroso, Stephanie Rector, Tracy Tuggles, Ja Shiau, Angela Soper, Jacque Spitzli, William Starr, Charlotte Surrette, Michael Tounberlin, Todd Transmeier, Megan vonAchen, Sara Warren, Paul Wells, Daniel Williams, Daryl Wimmer, Wayne Winkle, Annette Yeager, Melody Zoch
1993: Gustin Andrews, Cynthia Arvidson, Julie Arvidson, Melissa Bahm, Dennis Barnhardt, Machaela Beem, Bobbie Bonebrake, Angela Brunk, Javier Carasco, Scott Coon, Lisa Dalrymple, Jimmy Decker, Marnie Elliot, Mark Everley, Laura Ferris, Janice Gezel, Theresa Grammer, Jerri Harris, Nathan Hofer, Amanda Howell, Megan Hughes, Shannon Jackson, Kevin Long, Bryan Longacre, Sunshine Loyd, Traci Lutz, Christina McDermott, Chad McKenzie, Matthias Martin, Jennifer Meyer, Shirley Morriss, Jefferey Neis, Jason Nemecheck, Shay O’Brien, Michael Orr, Angela Richardson, Michael Ryan, James Self, Tracy Simon, Gary Steffen, Tabitha Taylor, Richard Vines, William Weeks, Christopher Williams, Trisha Winkle, Lisa Zoch
1994: Trevor Ayler, Brian Bartlett, Jennifer Bichelmeyer, Nicole Breiner, Brenda Buerman, Kelly Charbonneau, Bryanna Coates, Andrew Cooper, Aaron Dardis, Shannon Daugherty, Jennifer Dolina, Kristi Durkin, John Elmer, Stephanie Faulconer, Brandi Fisher, Amee Fulks, Tanya Guy, Angela Hughes, Krystopher Hylton, Travis Johnson, Kasi Katzfey, Edward Kraft, Aaron Lana, Jenny Lee, Brandon Lewis, Laura Mark, Kimberly Moore, Bryan Mundy, Bradley Neis, Kari Ott, Nicole Parks, Jennifer Peterson, Gabriel, Lucinda Schafer, Jeremy Shockley, Kelly Spring, Mara Van Anne, Eric Votaw, Douglas Williams, Jeremy Williams, Brent Wimmer
1995: Audrey Abel, Gayla Bartlett, Billye Berger, Angela Buchholz, Andrea Clary, Bryon Coates, Jenny Cook, Brent Copes, Jafferty Costello, Cecilia Courtney, Crystal Decker, Brenda Deshazer, Jacob Dunavin, Jason Dunavin, Travis Fennel, Amber Flowers, Michael Folks, Joey Frost, Brandy Fry, Kaila Fulks, Courtney Gordon, Vanessa Griswold, James Guy, Jerry Hadl, Candace Harris, Katie Hermreck, Heather Hobson, Edward Ingerson, Mickie Jenks, Dagmar Jensen, Valerie Kahrs, Stacy Kaufman, Robyn Keiter, Jessica Keller, Charles Kelley, Derrick Long, Craig Lutz, Deadre McClendon, Melissa McDermott, Brandi McKenzie, Michael McNulty, Anthony Miller, Delbert Moncrief, Jason Musick, Jay Music, Cheryl Newman, Michele Newman, Michael Notestine, Brian Olsen, Paul Ray, Chad Ruggles, John Schonberg, Cynthia Self, Julie Simpson, Jason Smith, Shirly Tyner, James Vigneron, Randall Whitesell, Thomas Willis
1996: Kelly Bonebrake, Patsy Brunk, Jennifer Clark, Jessica Clifton, Julie Cook, William Crawley, Bryan Cribbs, Jacqualine Dolin, Martin Dunavin, Melody Dunavin, Kristen Dymacek, Chad Elmer, Larry Foster, Travis Grammer, Ryan Gregory, Liselore Halink, Kylee Harris, Kari Higgins, Christine Hunt, Jeffrey Immer, Corrie Jackson, Christine L’Ecuyer, Terrance L’Ecuyer II, Dana LeRow, Caleb William Meyer, Kari Neis, Justin Nelson, Alice Norman, Kimberly Nunn, Lia O’Brien, Amber Parks, Nichelle Parks, Travis Pesnell, Carmen Regalado, Andrew Ross, Erin Schehrer, Julie Spring, Brant Watson, Jessica White, Loubie Wilks, Russell Winkle
1997: Jotham Andrews, Yuir Barabantsev, Eric Bloom, Joseph Brecheisen, Darrin Bretthauer, Daniel Broers, Deborah Brown, Amanda Buchholz, Jamie Campbell, Abram Chrislip, Danetta Clark, Mathew Conner, Jason Coppedge, Angela Cribbs, April Dalyrimple, Julie Douglas, Patrick Everley, Pete Flory, Aubrey Folks, Shannon Gardner, Justin Hime, Kathryn Hofer, Lelie Kindred, Belinda L’Ecuyer, Beau Lauber, Amy Lee, Benjamin, Daniel Longacre, Carisa Lynch Michael Marmon, Sarah Martin, Kurtis McCormick, Molly Mersmann, Joseph Miller, Jessica Mortz, Kris Neis, Autumn Newman, Melanie Pruitt, Kendra Rehmer, Ronnie Rhodd, Alejandro Riera, Jessica Rosenberger, Sarah Schonberg, Matthew Self, Douglas Smith, Stacy Snow, Angela Sollars, Matthew Spring, Kenan Staples, Jennifer Stein, Trisha Strimple, Leslie Stumpff, Mindy Transmeier, David Warmker, Nicholas Warren, Andrew Watson, Debra Whitaker, Trina Williams, Jeremy Wilson, Chrystal Wright, Jamie Ziesenis
1998: Jennifer Ayler, Scott Baethke, Wesley Bateson, Jill Becker, Derek Bland, Jesse Bonebrake, Andy Campbell, Kristi Clark, Wayne Cunningham, Christy Daughenbaugh, Keith Dunavin, Mark Durkin, Jay Fisher, Cristin Groninger, Tara Guffey, Bryan Hermreck, Scott Harris, Tomi Hitt, Nicole Knight, Justin Koerner, Julie Lee, Ryan Lister, Devin Mauk, Robert Moffitt, Amber Oxley, Jeremy Roubison, Valery Safanow, Devin Schehrer, Clint Shelton, Juliana Nino, Todd Simpson, Sherry Smith, Sarah Staple, Elizabeth Steel, Chad Taylor
1999: Justin Ahrens, Seth Bailey, Matthew Baker, Michelle Bartlett, Casey Berger, Nathan Bloom, Daniel Bonebrake, Matthew Bradshaw, Robin Bradshaw, Zachariah Brooks, Brett Brouhard, Nicholas Campanella, Grace Chrislip, Rachel Christenson, Katricia Clark, Aubrey Clifton, Jason Coozennoy, Christopher Crawley, Bridgett Dardis, Sherry Daughenbaugh, Amber Donahue, Wendy Dymacek, Crystal Elmer, Anthony Freeman, Kimberly Gardner, Eric Garrett, Jona Gauntt, Jamie Grant, Brandon Grosdidier, Brent Grosdidier, Joanna Hendry, Cecille Hennebelle, Rene Hernandez, Melinda Higgins, Jenny Hime, Sarah Hinman, Sarah Hunt, Misty Johnstone, Krista Kraus, Tiffany Kreutzman, Joshua Martin, Kathleen McNulty, Ruth Mersmann, Katherine Miller, Jeffery Moreno, Teresa Neis, Justin Niedens, Lindy Powers, Darcie Rodgers, Allison Rose, David Roubison, Michael Scherman, David Schonberg, Michael Scribner, Patrick Seats, Brett Smith, Cory Smith, Justin Spring, Jessica Stein, Peter Sutton, Justin Tiner, Jennifer Tyler, Michael Van Deelen, Tiffany Westerhouse, Rachel Whitaker, Krystal Wiggins, Kristen Woodward, Kyli Wright, Floyd Wyrick
2000: Josh Abel, Russell Bonebrake, Jennie Born, Jerrad Born, Justin Bretthauer, Trevor Brooks, Seth Brouhard, Krystal Bryant, Nicole Campbell, Brent Carnagie, Angela Chastain, Robert Collins, Laura Cribbs, Elizabeth Dillon, Frank Dillon, Christy Douglass, Joshua Ehret, Patricia Ellis, Mark Elmer, Brian Evinger, Jessica Evinger, Zachary Faircloth, Diana Folks, Charles Groninger, Kristin Grosdidier, Brad Hadl, Cyrus Hall, Craig Harris, Kimberly Harris, Jeremiah Hartley, Erica Hawley, Nichole Hickman, Amy Hunt, Jessica James, Aubry Jamison, James Johnston, Jason Koehn, Leah L’Ecuyer, Diane Lamy, Brandon Lauber, Joshua Lewis, Jerri Mason, Catrin Mayer, Kevin McCormick, J. Edward Miller, Samantha Moore, Melissa Moreno, Daniel Morris, Kelly Neis, Nichole Neis, Richard Neis, Rebecca O’Neal, Sidney Pastor III, Katja Peilke, Michael Robertson, Aaron Rose, Mishaun Russell, Kristopher Sample, Nichole Simon, Dana Sorenson, Amanda Springer, Eric Strimple, Tiffany Taylor, Keely Tilton, Rachel Varvil, Meta Woodward
2001: Ashlee Amyx, Aimee Barber, Nikolas Bass, Brett Becker, Jacob Born, Bethany Brecheisen, Keri Brown, Jessica Bryant, Wendi Burke, Brett Campbell, Samuel Campbell, Erica Chalendar, Daniel Chrislip, Blane Christenson, Jonatha Clawson, Dustin Crowe, Eric DeVault, Neil Dunavin, Elizabeth Durkin, Steven Everley, Matt Fisher, Jimmy Flowers, Amanda Gammon, Zachary Hamlin, Brian Harris, Hillary Harris, Dustin Haus, Emily Hermreck, Justin Hewitt, Elizabeth Hickman, Peter Hickman, Alesha Hillebert, Tine Hoerdum, Jeremy Immer, Amber L’Ecuyer, Carolyn Jones, Ashley Kraus, Martin Krumbach, Stephen Krutz, Stephen Lee, Solveig Madsen, Deja Mauk, Therese Mersmann, Emily Mills, Brandon Moore, Amy Moorhead, Natasha Moses, Sean Mullis, Roshena Niedens, Treveor O’Grady, Jay Pewenofkit, John Powers, Jamie Rehmer, Alicia Reno, Dyan Schehrer, Aaron Slavin, Melanie Smith, Justin Sorenson, Stephen Speicher, Dustin Stoneking, Benjamin Thomas, Charis True, Jennifer Van Dyke, Jeff Way, Jacob Welsh, Brent Whitten, Charles Wilson, Elizabeth Wright, Deneile Wright
2002: Brandi Abel, Jill Abel, Andrea Ahrens, James Blades, Dixie Bonebrake, Julia Born, Lear Bowling, Joshua Bowser, Amanda Bruening, Andrea Bruening, Joah Buchanan, Jason Burrous, Rachel Calhoon, Kurt Carlyle, Juliana Cassareggio, Gretchen Christenson, Melanie Claggett, Melissa Claggett, Brian Clark, Matthew Clark, Nate Cleveland, Crystal Conner, Valerie Coozennoy, Michael Cribbs, Sarah Davis, Lacy Deathe, Dustin Evinger, Marcy Farguson, Melissa Flory, Kristina Freeman, Ashley Frost, Anne Froyland, Jason Griffin, Karen Grosdidier, Hannah Hamlin, Jay Haupt, Laura High, Brandi Hime, Wes Hinman, Kendall Hudson, James Hueser, Chandler Jamison, Sarah Katzfey, Stephanie Lagerstrom, Ryan Lauber, Cody Lauber, Michael Lehmann, Matt Linzer, Jason Lister, Michael Lockhart, Clifton Long, Jason Marmon, Jayme Martin, Tyler Matthews, Simone Mihm, Estelle Montgomery, Andrew Naylor, Steven Neis, Courtney Pennington, Seth Pittman, Megan Reetz, Rebecca Robertson, Brock Robson, Christopher Rose, Elizabeth Rowland, Laura Sanllehi, Thomas Shutt, Brett Allen Skinner, James Snow, Krystal Spence, James Springer, Melissa Steel, Tommy Stein, Amanda Stewart, Dustin Stewart, Douglas Summers, Rhiannon Tiner, Zach Tyler, Jennifer Tyree, Emily Waln, Sheena Warrington, Shonna Warrington, Lisa Westerhouse, Jennifer Lee, Jill Woodward.
2003: Sarah Glenn Abel, Lindsey Leigh Abram, Lona Louise Adams, Tonie Renee Barnett, James Barr, Rachel Lee Bartekoske, Brad Basel, Jaime Lynne Becker, Zachary John Grafentin-Beedle, Andrew Cameron Bell, Andrew Kurt Besser, Tonya Michelle Boone, Joseph Lee Born, Nicole Jeanette Born, Stacy Lea Bryant, Kelly Rose Campbell, Andrew Dale Carnegie, Ryan Eugene Carnegie, Bart Allen Carroll, Elizabeth Ann Marie Christenson, Erin Renae Classen, Mallorie Dawn Cleveland, Mark William DeArmond, Jennifer Lynn Durkin, Heath Edward Fanning, Julia Filipovscala, Dawn Melisa Frazier, Sarah Diane Gentleman, Joshua Gorden, Shane Grant, Corey Marcus Green, Benjamin Joseph Gregg, Joel Griffin, Jennifer Lee Grosdidier, David Grote, Ashely Cole Harrell, Heather Michelle Hawley, Heather Shellene Heim, Curtis Glen Hickman, Grant Davis High, Sarah Holler, Fred Carl Holz III, Bo Mathew Hopson, Tyler James Jackson, Mary Elizabeth Johnson, Seth Glen Johnson, Briana Marie Jump, Bree Knight, Amanda Marie Koerner, Fanny Kotte, Joshua Krenger, April Lampke, Crystal Dawn Landis, Christina Jean Lauber, Gregory LeRow, Alexander Lupandin, Whitney Luna, Jacob Allen McAlexander, Maureen Louise Mersmann, Jimmy Bernard Miller, Dustin Conrad Miller, Jesse Dean Murphy, Heather Renee Murrell, Aaron Michael Neis, Joshua Eric Newman, Kaleb Gerard Niedens, Michael Conrad Paxton, Vanessa Rae Peda, Luken Evan Powers, Joseph Gaylord Price, Andrew Joseph Pyle, Steven Royal Rehmer, April Dawn Reno, Monica Marie Reynolds, Austin Lewis Roberts, Austin Rose, Micki Jane Ryan, Emilie Nichole Slavin, Derrick Todd Smith, Rachelle Nicole Spillman, John Thoennes, Trisha Tyree, Amber Laraine Vogel, Tressie Elizabeth Weide, Meagan Diana White, Joey Louis Whitten, Stuart Tyler Wingebach, Summer Lynn Wise, LeeAndrea Wolford, Jason Albert Wyrick
2004: Rachel Abel, Ashley Bass, Kalli Board, Tracine Bowling, Michael Braden, Jessica Brecheisen, Nicholas Brecheisen, Terry J. Bross, Joshua Brouhard, Jamie Burrous, Nicholas Calderwood, Georgia Campbell, Dustin Carlyle, Stephen Carlyle, Jared Chilcoat, Tyler Cleveland, Rachel Coulter, Brianne DeArmond, John Joseph Donahue, Francis Dressler, Anna Fernandez, Marci Flory, Christopher Gabriel, Melissa Gade, Samantha Griesmer, Blaine Hamilton, John Hausman, Kristin Heivoll, Britanie Hinnergardt, Michael Howell, Jeffrey Jones, Ashlea Jurkovich, Erin Katzfey, Lauren Kracl, Joshua Lauer, Parker Laws, Aaron (“Brent”) Lawson, Brian Lindburg, Mark Lister, Ian Mater, Megan McClelland, Devin McLees, Michael Mersmann, Kristina Meuffel, Pauline Missling, Jesse Montgomery, Ashley Moran, Jared Pringle, Michael Pringle, Jared Randel, Mallory Ross, Chance Rowland, Amanda Sanders, Hayley Schehrer, Bryan Schiller, Andrew Sindorf, Chad Smith, Joshua Snyder, Kelly Spence, William Steel, Monte Steffey, Shelby Stice, Amber Stoltenow, Kevin Stone, Tigh VanAnne, Troy VanHorn, Jacob VanMeter, Kevin Webb, Rachel Welsh, Brandon Werst, Aaron Westerhouse, Erin Whisler, Lindsey White, Jodi Wingebach, Michael Woodard, Casandra Woolsey, Alissa Wright.
2005: Kevin Glenn Abel, Matthew Scott Alvarez, Elias Cole Ashley, Sara Lynn Barnes, Joshua Allen Barr, Kelly Lynn Becker, Brooke Lorraine Bell, Travis Jay Bergman, William Bock, Jamie Marie Bowser, Samantha Jo Box, Sarah Elizabeth Braught, Samantha Lynn Briery, Jeremie Lee Bryan, Connie Marie Chastain, Anne Marie Cherry, Cody Allen Clark, Kristina Kay Clark, James Andrew Coffman, Dustin Wayne Deathe, Christopher William Durkin, Nichole Marie Ellison, Craig Alan Elmer, Rodney Ray Evinger, Jr., Joseph William Faulk, Steven James Foster, Carlos Emilio Gomez, Brooke Ashley Graff, Katherine Julia Green, Marissa Danielle Gulley, April Elizabeth Guthrie, Alissa Janeese Hamilton, Jason William Hamlin, Ryan William Hartford, Joshua Corey Hartley, Tyler David Hartpence, Brandan Leroy Helm, Alicia Lynn Howell, Maxwell Dean Howig, Brendan Shay Jackson, Kristen Michelle Johnston, Chelsea Mariah Johnstone, Rhonda Nichole Jones, Joseph Victor Kaup, Brandon Michael Kurtz, Robert Jay Linzer Jr., Phillip Drexel Lister Jr., Donna Carol Lounsbury, Frank Ryan Male, Cole Aaron Massey, Serena Alane McAlexander, Paul Douglas McCleery, Devin Chase Merkel, Kayla Denae Moyer, Michelle Nila, Tiffany Lynn Nixon, Megan Elizabeth Pennington, Kara Lynn Pittman, Jacqueline Marie Pyle, Johanna Elina Rahmqvist, Cassandra Nichole Richardson, Joni Marie Ridinger, Brandon Levi Robson, Mark Alan Shutt, Paul Michael Smith, Joshua Michael Snider, Travis Charles Spring, Thomas Derin Stewart, Sarah Elizabeth Stieben, Tracy Lynn Stoffer, Jessica Lynn Stout, Cecilia Rosanna Stumpff, Jackie Marie Tyree, Kylie Elaine Van Anne, Megan Christine Walker, Joni Renee Wallace, Michelle Lee Ward, Jennifer Ann Watson, Tabitha Nell Welsh, Julia Marie White, Jennifer Dawn Wyrick
2006: Lucas Carl Abel, Mark Christopher Abel, Megan Katherine Ballock, Brittney BreeAnn Beck, Jacob Benjamin Beedle, Jessica Dawn Bowser, Tara Rose Brecheisen, Ashley Nicole Bricker, Kyle Gene Brouhard, Jennifer Elisa Brown, Lindsay Michelle Brown, Christopher Allen Bryant, Dorothy Jean Bryant, Steven Calderwood, Austin Jon Calhoun, Danielle Nichole Carnagie, Ashely Nicole Cavender, Miles David Cleveland, Michelle Deluna, Kelsey Margaret Epperson, Melissa Sue Faulk, Tori Fladen, Ricky Wayne Flaherty, Samantha Dinea Foster, Jacob Lee GIllihan, Kathryn Lee Gilmore, Emily Irene Gloshen, Amanda Michelle Gordon, Danielle Ann-Marie Gregg, Chad Colin Griffin, Rebekah Lyn Helwig, Joshua Jeffcoat, Chanze Monroe Johnson, Jessica Lea Kraus, Robert Ray Kurtz, Margo Ann Lauer, Carrie Ann Lister, Joshua Allen Logan, Joshua Jacob Love, Larissa Ann Maranell, Mary Josephine McCleery, Correnia Marie Miller, James Edward Mills, Guy Kirby Calhoun Montgomery, Lacey Nikkole Moore, Timothy Patrick Moran, Joel Roger Morrison, Hanna Renee Niedens, Andrew Lark Parsons, Caleb Joshua Pettengill, Benjamin Paul Price, Marti Lynne Pringle, Kyle Bradford Reynolds, Ashli Danielle Ruff, Andrew Michael Schulz, Cara Lena Seats, Nolan Eugene Smith, Jonathan Michael Snyder, Karen Elaine Spence, Rodney Wayne Spillman II, Sarah Ruth Springer, Andrea Lynn Summers, Drew Allen Thorp, Benjamin Lee Thorp, Victoria Lynne Tunget, Kyle William Van Meter, Chadwyn Daniel Waln, Sean Patrick Wiard, Lance Neil, Wilcoxson, Elizabeth Laura Williams, Kalabe William Wilson, Jorden Ryan Wise, Christopher Farrell Wolford
2007: Kent Abel, Maximillian Alvarez, Terry Barnett II, Amanda Basel, Jessica Bateson, Marisa Bergman, Amelia Bock, Allison Braden, Elizabeth Bratschie, Cole Brouhard, James Bruner, Hannah Brunton, Cody Burns, Paul Chaffin, Sarah Cherry, Joey Cino, Andrew Clark, Jessalyn Cobb, Ashley Coffman, Mary Cox, Austin Crystal, Timothy DeArmond, Timothy Durkin, Michael Ellifrits, Fredrica Engstrom, Melissa Fernandez, Kayla Flory, Elizabeth Folks, Dustin Foulk, Timorthy Fredrickson, Sarah Frehe, Megan Gorden, Brittney Graff, Melissa Grammer, Amy Green, Brittany Griesmer, Kara Gulley, Chadwick Haag, Kari Hadl, Randall Hadl, Brynn Hamilton, Whitney Harper, Katelin Harrell, Kellian Harell, Christopher Hickman, Austin Hoover, Kayla Humbert, LaDuska Johnson, John Jones, Amber Jurkovich, Erryn Kindle, Robyn Klebenstein, Erin Kracl, Courtney Kurtz, Alvie Lavery, Paige Lindburg, Rosa Long, Justin Male, Desiree Marmon, Mason McCurdy, Brin McLees, Mathew McPeek, Allyson Merchant, Charles Mersmann, Anne Marie Meyer-Mykeslstad, Nichole Miller, Jami Morris, Samantha Nelson, Ali Nila, Tasha Oakes, Loni Ogden, Michael Ortega, Natalie Perkins, Brittany Pittman, Kyle Plaice, Stephen Prudden, Chad Pyeatt, Christina Pyle, Bethany Rachel, Starr, Radin, Jared Reetz, Caitlyn Riser, Todd Roberts, Kaitlin Saenz, Paige Schultz, Kyle Scrimsher, Amanda Simpson, Kyle Slavens, Brian Sledd, Jessica Snyder, Clara Spring, Katherine Stanley, Courtney Stevenson, Jessica Stewart, Brittany Stillian, Amy Stone, Kent Swanson, Joshua Turbaugh, Adrian Villaneda, Glenn Weld Jr., Raymond Wellman, Sarah Welsh, David Westerhouse, Michael Whitten, Richard Wilks, William Wood
2008: Mathew Abel, Morgan Abel, Erik Ahlen, Dustin Ayers, Emily Ballock, Anthrony Barta, Aubrey Beck, Kristen Becker, Krista Beedle, Joshua Blaisdell, Whitney Box, Mary Braught, Ashely Burns, Christopher Cannon, Brittne Carey, Morgyn Carey, Chelsea Carnagie, Travis Clarke, Aaron Cochran, Lauren Colman, Jacob Cox, Alex Curran, Fabian Fernandez, Tyler Fory, Branden Flowers, Amanda Freeman, Devon Fritzel, Kayla Gilroy, Natalie Gloshen, Amanda Graff, Gage Ham, Theresa Harper, Connor Hartpence, Logan Hartpence, Cody Hickock, Halley Horan, Ashely Ingwerson, Chasity Johnson, William Jones, Jordan Katzfey, Krystal Klebenstein, Catherine Klotz, Elaina Kouri, Chad Krutz, Aaron LaCoursiere, Corey Long, Sasha Lund, Kohlin Martin, Zachary McAdams, Kyle Merkel, Evan Meyers, Theron Moor, Mai Nguyen, Phuong Nguyen, Daniel Parish, Jordan Pettengill, Samantha Randel, Kelsie Riser, Christopher Robinson, Alexandra Ross, Chase Rust, Dylan Rust, Mackenzie Salzman, Amber Sanders, Kimberly Scherman, Amanda Schneider, Aaron Shockley, Julie Slavin, Michael Sledd, Crystal Smith, Michelle Smith, Nicole Snider, Jessica Stephens, Whittney Sutton, Brian Talbert, Jennifer Taylor, James Thoennes, Nicholas Tillman, Dustin Ture, Kayci Vickers, Loryn Walrod, Brynnen Webb, Isaac Welsh, Kaitlyn Werst, Catherine Weyde, Brian White, Colin Whitebread, Heather Whitten, Brandon Wiggins, Stefanie Wingebach, Benjamin Wright, Caleb Wright, Lori Wyrick, James Zeh
2009: Kendal Abel, Austin Abraham, Hayley Bagwell, Joel Allen Besser, Paige Presley Brant, Chase Christopher Brecheisen, Michael Alan Bricker, Kelly Lynn Brown, Zachary J. Bryant, Johanna Buchner, Ashely Denee Burner, Maxwell Sommer Campbell, Carlos Canizales, Tori LeAnn Carder, Cody Alan Carlson, Kayla Elizabeth Chilcoat, Miranda Pauline Cobell, Kelsy Renee Coleman, Devan Renee Crowe, Madison Marie Dennis, Rebecca Anne Dreifuss, Bryan Michael Dudley, Tianna Lynn Dunnaway, Haley Michelle Epperson, Ryan Jay Fisher, William Alexander Gadberry, Nathan Thomas Gammons, Tia Marie Garrison, Heather Marie Goodlett, Caleb Ian Griffith, Aslan Riley Hague, Theron Craig Harper, Timi Ann Hess, Elizabeth Anne Hoese, Allison Paige Hoover, Maresa Lorene Hornabaker, Elisha Marie Howard, Kenneth Arthur Hughes, Nima Jafari, Aryanna Marie Jessup, Courtney Nicole Johnson, Benjamin Mark Katzenmeier, Bryan William Kindle, Alexander Fletcher Kirk, Bailey Shay Lauber, Clinton Wade Litherland, JoAnna Marie Male, Alexandria Amae Martin, Madison Rayne Mater, Evelyn Darlene McCleery, Julian Mejia Mertel, Marian Germaine Mersmann, Benjamin Calvin Miller, Breaer Angelique Miller, Justin Dale Nelson, Kasie Janelle Olds, Zane Eilas Pittman, Tyler Allan Plunkett, Cody Richard Potter, Brooke Marie Pyeatt, Rachel Lee Pyle, Amber Rae Reynolds, Craig Mathew Roberts, Colby Steven Root, Nathan Kirk Ruhl, Erik Mathew Russell, Ryan Elmer Samrow, Callie Christine Sanders, Baylee Rose Schmeck, Justin Michael Schmidt, Brianna Kaitlin Schumacher, Bailey Danielle Scott, Derek Andrew Scrimscher, Haley Nicole Sellers, Randy Steven Shoemaker, Kyle Blake Swanson, Alexander Endymion Tacke, James Christopher Trueblood, Mariah Lee Webb, Justin Jay wellman, Michael William White, Jackson Allen Wiley, Alisha Dawn Wingebach, Richard Corey Wise, Lucas Allen Wright
2010: Justin Lee Ballock, Tyler Aaron Barta, Tyler Robert Beebe, Anja Elise Bertheussen, Casey Aaron Boone, Jessica Clara Bowman, Brian Lee Braden, Sarah Jane Brady, Alisa Britz, Molly Ann Brunton, Tanner Kendrick Bryne, Joshua Michael Campbell, Heather Rheanne Carder, Heimy Berenice Chavez, John Duane Chumbley, Evan Michael Cleveland, Lindsay Samantha Cook, Alexander Eugene Cox, Ashley Jo Dahlem, Kathaleen Faye Donner, Kelsee Nichelle Evans, EvanLee Michelle Folks, Kahtryn Elizabeth Gilroy, John Henry Hadle, Ryan Lee Heskett, Lindsay Nicole Hickock, Dalton Lee Hladky, Mathew Roland Hughes, Zachary Ray Ingram, Jamie Lee Johnson, Taylor Ellen Johnson, Meghan Reann Johnston, Mathew James Jump, Brian Joseph Katzfey, Brittany Micheel King, Hannha Ellen Kouri, Emma Katherine Kruger, Ashley Lynn Lagerstrom, Dyan Aaron Lathrom, Joel Samuel Lauer, Jake Robert Lawrence, Dominc Thomas Lehmann, Janelle Renee Liggett, Reece Lee Long, Sarah Shea Lounsbury, Chelsea Mae Lund, Bogdan Vyacheslavavavich Lupandin, Colton Taylor Lynch, Jordan Michelle Martin, Jeremy Patrick McClellan, Thomas Osburn McLees, Travus Colby Merkel, Mary LeeAnn Miller, Nick Andrew Mills, Brittany June Montgomery, Jonathan Ryan Morrison, Abigail Sharon Mott, Alexandria Lillian Mott, Chelsea Lillian Mott, Chelsea Lynn Mullen, Drew Kent Noble, Madison Kay Oller, Ian Ridley Palmer, Ryan Michael Pennington, Mary Hannah Pittman, Whitney Blayne Pope, Chelsea Patricia Preece, Joshua Isaac Ronald Rickey, Jennifer Ann Rome, Daniel Dwayne Russell, Daniel Dwayne Russell, Cody Arthur Salzman, Sydney Reed Schmille, Mathew Adam Schulz, Connor Michael Scott, Trevor Dean Shepley, Katherine Reene Slavin, Kyle Christian Snow, Thomas Jackson Stanley, Cheyenne Dawn Stephens, Nichole Mae Stevens, Coty Mathew Stoneking, Erin Noel Summers, Heather Ayn Summers, Amalie Thomsen, Michelle Rebecca Topil, Robert Coulter Vestal, Mallory Lauryn Waln, Samuel Norris Welborn, William Keith Wieman, William Robert Wimett, Mariah Kelly Wimmer, Johnathan Philip Woodgate, Kelen Rose Wright, Heather June Wyrick, Damon Joshua Zahn
2011: Joshua Bakarich, Tanessa Balluch, Jacob Beck, MaKenzie Beebe, Jennifer Bergman, Alexander Berthelsen, Gretchen Besser, Spencer Board, Timothy Borger, Shelby Bowman, Leslie Brown, Mark Brune, Jared Bruner, Cheyenne Bueno, Ashlee Calfy, Scott Carlyle, Phaleesha Chronister, Zachary Chumbley, Chase Coleman, Justin Coleman, Stephanie Cooper, Kameron Crabtree, Tyler Crowe, Brandon Elliott, Ivan Espinosa, Sasha Feeman, Kaitlynn Flowers, Kelby Foos, Tyler Fowler, Tanner Fry, Cassandra Galloway, Nicholas Gateley, Emily Gomez, Chelsea Grammer, Crystal Grinter, Haley Grosdidier, Valerie Haag, Amanda Hadl, Clay Hamilton, Mack Hartwell, Sara Hoppe, Kendra Hornbaker, Mathew Huddleston, Julia Johnson, Hannah Katzenmeier, Aundrea Kearns, McKaela Kelsey, Melissa Klotz, Taylor Kurtz, Cameron Lauber, Cecilia Lehmann, Dylan Litherland, Boomer Mays, Audrea McAdams, Ryan Mendel, Samuel Merrill, Anthony Mersmann, Tyler Miller, Tera Mills, Hawley Montgomery,Sean Moran, Cassie Morrison, Daniel Nabus, Darren Nabus, Ingrid Narvesen, Nicholas Neis, Faith Nightingale, Taylor Noble, Stephanie Orth, Christopher Patterson, Kelsey Peerson, Danielle Pickering, Erika Pickering, Jordan Plaice, Kayla Potter, Mallory Reese, Christian Richardson, Jacob Riemann, Kaya Riemann, Caitlyn Roberts, Dominique Rogers, John Samrow, Lorena Saunders, Ian Scrimsher, Robert Simpson, Isaac Smoots, Tanner Sorenson, Tyler Stover, Nora Vandruff, Lauren Vaughn, Kayla Walters, Bailey Waring, Cody Wells, Brandon West, Jacob Williams, Lucas Wingebach
2012: Katelyn Marie Abel, Marie Ertsaas Asheim, Danielle Rene Ayers, Zachery Aaron Nathanial Bagwell, Alloura Nicole Bales, Kaylia Marie Ballard, Jordan Paul Ballock, Sean Edward Barr, Emma Lee Barton, Michael-Shayne Gregory Baxter, Lucas James Becker, Joshua Kent Benoit, Anna Kay Berthelsen, Jennifer Kay Bowser, Bryc Levi Brock, Morgan Denita Brockman, Bria Kerianna Carder, Savannah Lorene Christiansen, Garrett Luke Cleveland, David Gregory Colman, Taylor Lynette Criss, Michael Timothy Dahlem, Andrea Lynn Daniels, Alisha Lee DeMaranville, Kate Miller Dennis, Madeline Jean Dickerson, Samira Charity Dunn, Colin James Forsberg, Steven Joseph Freeman, Julianna Marie Fries, Lacey Nicole Gabriel, Matthew Aaron Gadberry, Lauren Rose Gammon, Fernanda Alitzel Garcia-Rosales, Hannah Elizabeth Gregg, Hannah McKenzie Griesmer, Katy Marie Hadle, Zachary Allan Herries, Derrick James Higgins, Leonard Arno Hofmann, Joshua James Holland, Cody Allen Howard, Jessica Noelle Hueser, Jared Wayne Ireland, Ashlyn Paige Jackson, Auston Summer Katzfey, Jarrod Vance Kaup, Melinda Lynne Keeney, Matthew Robert Kelso, Taylor Christine Kraft, Nicole Maria Krebs, Kathryn Alice Lauber, Ryan Marshall Leary, Victoria Emmalee Lehmann, Thilo Londong, Monica Jane Long, Eduardo Martinez-Renteria, Anyssa Marie Mays, Jocelyn Paola Medrano, Austin Craig Merkel, Tyler Ashley Merkel, Brock Joseph Miller, Tara Dawn Miller, Chad Thomas Mullen, Ashley Dawn Nitchals, Jamie Ann Orth, David William Pierce, Samantha Elizabeth Nicole Pippert, Chloe Ellyn Pittman, Sarah Nicole Prudden, Christopher Joseph Pyle, Robert Daniel Raines, Andrea Helen Ridings, Cassandra Marie Roberts, Kevin Carlyle Robinson, Austin Edward Searight, Tannyr James Shelton, Baleigh Anne Smith, Johnathon Thomis Smith, Gregory William Snell, Jared James Stickler, Jeremy Christian Stoway, Haley Marie Trober, Christian Michael Turnbaugh, Beverly Jo Virtue, Derek Ridge Webb, Alyssa Fayth Welborn, Whitney Renae Weld, Alexander Thomas Whitten, Morgan Marie Wiley, Keenan Thomas Wood, Angelica Fleurette Zerr, Garrett Dean Zook
2013: Lindsey Marie Archer, Jessica Lauren Athey, Ashton Elizabeth Augustine, Luis Felipe Avila-Cobian, Annie Nicole Beck, Emma Marie Beck, Nicholas Cawley Becker, John Paul Beckwith, Kaitlyn Rae Beebe, Matalin Grace Beers, Megan Ann Besser, Brandi Nicole Bottoms, Morgan Ann Boyd, Thaius Somhai Boyd, Connor Paul Bradley, Nathanial Ray Bradley, Cody Lee Brock, Sarah Elizabeth Brown, Elizabeth Aurora Brune, Colby Scott Brust, Kylee Jo Bryant, Brooke Marie Bulleigh, Shawn Mathew Burns, Emmett Tyler Call, Coral Chavez, Gabriel Del Cleveland, Kelly Christine Daigh, Kristen Meredith Dennis, Camille Marie Dickerson, Taylor Rae Dunavin, Emily Nicole Durkin, Michael John Paul Eaton, Garret Ross Elston, Dakota Ryan Fletcher, Cassandra Luann Flory, Tyler Garrett Fritzel, Isabella Rae Ann Fry, Morgan Charles Gerstmann, Tori Kathryn-Grace Gezel, Lauren Ashley Goombi, Darian Nicole Graham, Daniel Jeffrey Green, Sandra Mildred Haag, Tyler August Hadl, Christopher Mack Hall, Katherine Elizabeth Hall, James Theodore Hall, Tayler Nicole Ham, Haley Erin Hatch, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Heier, Sabrina Melisa Nicole Heston, Markis Taylor Hill, Chaise Alexander Hiadky, Ronald Cole Hutchins, Quinten Gust Johnson, Sierra faith Johnson, Patience Marie Keeney, Erin Suzanne Klotz, Saria Danielle Knoll, Sarah Lynn Kruger, Craig Fletcher Krutz, Megan Rai Lawrence, Carl Tate Long, Maria Vyacheslavovna Lupandin, Robbi Jean Lycan, Madison Lynn Maring, Sabrina Eileen Martinez, Andy Martinez-Renteria, Zachary Tyler McKeel, Andrew James McNish, Claire Marie Mersmann, Devon Alexander Middleton, Richard Allen Newman, McKenzie Lacey Oller, Quinton Robert Parks, Noah Richard Pfeifer, Elaney Marissa Pickering, Tiffany Ann Pickering, Haleigh Katheryne Mashele Pipper, Taylor Marie Powell, Kyleigh Elizabeth Price, Valerie Lynn Pringle, Jennifer Marie Pyle, Mark Allen Rocha-Defgraffenreid, Brandon Nicholas Russell, Travisray Leon Salyers, Grady Marshall Salzman, Colton Taylor Scott, Eldon Kyle Shanks, Britani Danielle Shrum, Steven Joseph Simpson, Molly Davidson Smith, Christopher Ryan Snow, Shelby Jo Stoneking, Dalton James Strickell, Johnny Dale Surrette, Emilio Jesus Terrazas-Rincon, Morgan Andrew Thevarajoo, Danielle Lynn Topil, Tanner Jordan Tornedon, Hunter Frederick Trefz, Austin Edmund Tuggle, Chelsea Nicole Vaughn, Garrett Russell Vaughn, Landon Anthony Walrod, Shawn Derek Walters, Abigail Lynn Wilson, Steven Allan Wimmer
2014: Brooke Marie Abel, Paige Nicole Armes, Andrew Charles Ballock, Kelsey Dene’ Balluch, Blake Adam Beerbower, Alyssa Marie Blaisdell, Alexandria Gabrielle Bock, Anna Marie Brown, Keven Allen Brown, Halli Morgan Brunton, Samantha Ashely Carpenter, Rebekah Elizabeth Case, Tristin Thomas Chapman, Austin Dale Coble, Lorena Suzanne Coleman, Miranda Rachelle Crabtree, Justin Ethan Duffy, Zachary Sean Elliott, Sabrina Damtry Field-Pirotte, Janelle Kay Fires, Sophia Lucille Goddard, Kourtney Renee Hadle, Michaela Lani Hernandez, Alexander Harrison High, Jonathon Taylor Howell, Logan Brittany Jackson, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Johnson, Mathew Allen Jones, Mackenzie Anne Kane, Emily Christine Kaufman, David Matthiah Kearns, Mason Paul Dalton Kelso, Troy Edward Kraft, Alison Grace Krug, Kelly Jay Latshaw, Dylan Christopher Lauber, Jon Patrick Lawrence, Eli Lee Leahew, Kayla Marie Lee, Sophia Marie Lehmann, Justin Burke Leonard, John Scott Lounsbury, Tanner Christian Lynn, Sadie Ann May, Ryan Michael McCabe, Ashley Lynn McDowell, Tanner Alton Mendel, Gabriella Jo Meyer, Tyler Frank Mitchell, Taylour James Monahan, Claudia Rose Moody, Jared Brenden Nelson, Gunnar Logan Norris, Kennedy Elizabeth O’Dell, Stephen Tyler Ogden, Mathew Raymond Patterson, Austin Lee Patz, Hannah Kathryn Pensore, Kaylyne Rae Perkins, Sweth Deangelo Rafael, Keith James Reynolds, Abbigail Elizabeth Richeson, Cierra Jordan Richeson, Eric Allen Rogers, Jordan Keith Root, Marian Rosales, Madison Renee Saxer, Zachary Roy Scroggin, Victoria Lee Searight, Skyler Mathew Shockley, Tara Lee Shrum, Caila Marie Sparkes, Timber Gayle Supancic, Alyce Lynn Surrette, Mason J Tomlinson, Jacob James Clinton Travis, Jacob Douglas Turnbaugh, Haley Michelle Turner, Michael Justin Underwood, Garrett Allen Chandler Weeks, Austin Rys Wellman, Brett Michael Williams, Alexander Dalton Young, Shelby Lynn Younkin
2015: Alena Marie Aguilar, Hailey Marie Allen, Lacey Ann Armes, Nicholas Michael Bakarich, Tierra Deonna Balluch, Abbigail Makenzie Kirk Beckham, Baillie Aryn Beebe, Elizabeth Ann Beers, Sarah Leigh Besser, Patrick Edward Bradley, Ashley Marie Brandon, Cameron Patrick Lee Bricker, Tanner Elliott Brunton, Phoenix Ian Burns, Trey Kevin Byrne, Bailey Preston Campbell, Ross Bryan Chumbley, Ahjanaye Shakaye Connelly, Zachery Dwayne Conner, Levi Travis Demuth, Richard Michael Dudley, Zachary Mathew Dudley, Levi Travis Demuth, Richard Michael Dudley, Zachary Matthew Dudley, Allison Renee Durkin, Reagan Elizabeth Durkin, Lauren Michelle Gabriel, Seth Ryan Griffith, Sydney Renee Gulley, Hannah Elizabeth Hagan, McKenzie Leigh Henderson, Chandler Ross Higgins, Cody Darnell Hoover, Dakota Wayne Jobe, Sidney Ann Johnson, Blake Aaron Jopp, Camden J. Leary, Berlin Malik LeFlore, Michael Kale Longacre, Bria Charity Lynn, Skyler Mitchell Manley, Jordyn Kylen Martin, Garrett Logan McCoy, Mikayla Julia McCoy, Madison Marie McGinness, Justus Andrew Merz, Kassie Marie Meyers, Jonathan Curtiss Miller, Morgan Raye Monroe, Aimee Elizabeth Moses, Arros Lynn Neyman, Chloe Cathryn O’Dell, Jonathan Alexander Ortiz, Billie Jean Denise Peterson, Elena Maria Reese, Christopher Leon Rivers Jr., Morgan Paige Roush, Cloeie Sierra Russell, Michaela Marie Salzman, Hannah Marie Schram, Isaac Martin Schumacher, William Tyler Smith, Evhan Rei Sours, Brenna Olivia Sparks, Lauryn Elizabeth Splichal, Haley Justine Spoor, Adam Donald Spurling, Kailey Elizabeth Steffen, Grant Laws Stewart, Samantha Renea Stout, Laken Andrew Straub, Wyatt Gene Stuart, Hannah Devi Thevarajoo, Bethany Marie Thomas, Broderick Thomas Topil, Dalton John Vesecky, Alexander Earl Wagner, Jamison Levi Walrod, Nathaniel Guy Weeks, Ethan Cole Wells, Ronald Joshua White, Trenton Edward Wilkins, Payton Carl Williams, Kassandra Nicole Wise, Zhade Pierre Alexander Wray
2016: Kyle Abel, Hunter Barham, Alyssa Bartlett, Peyton Baxter, Andrew Bearden, William Beebe, Katherine Bergman, Joseph Bernhardt, Mariah Brown, Cassidy Brust, Alexis Bryant, Matthew Buchhorn, Dallas Burdo, Grady Cain, Kylie Carter, Sydney Coleman, Zachary Courbat, Antonio Covert, Kristi Michelle Daigh, Alyssa Daniels, Halee Darling, Kathrin Demuth, Austin Downing, Tyler Duffy, Elias Dunn, Nicholaus Elliott, Grant Elston, Connor Englebrecht, Raegan Faircloth, Mason Fawcett, Tyler Ferguson, Chloe Jo Fewins, Aaron Foster, Madison Franklin, Charles Friend, Jared Fry, Tucker Gabriel, Makaila Garcia, Jack Gerstmann, Samantha Gulley, David Guthrie, Siera Hartwell, Kimble Haskett, Madison Heckman, Nathanial Herries, Jensen Herron, Carly Hines, Colby Hines, Spencer Howe, Abigail Jackson, McNeilly James, Molly James, Kylee Johnson, LeAnne Johnson, Olivia Jones, Griffin Katzenmeier, Bethany Kaufman, Jessica Kay, Bethany Kearns, Alexis Kelly, Elizabeth Kendall, Noah Kennedy, Kaitlyn Lauber, Olivia Lehmann, Joseph Liggett, Zachary Livengood, Bryanna Longacre, Maranda Mackall, Kaitlyn Maupin-Huslig, Kathryn McAfee, Mindy McClaskey, Austin McNorton, Jayce McQueen, Julia McQueen, Baron Miller, Halena Milner, Christian Misner-Iles, Dylan Monahan, Brandon Myers, Brittany Myers, Travis Neis, Trevor Neis, James Nelson, Danny Nguyen, Denny Nguyen, Tristin Olson, Aidan Palmer, Jacob Pearson, Reid Pelzel, Paige Peterson, Sydney Pickardt, Sadie Pittman, Gage Purcell, Morgan Reed, Jack Reynolds, Paige Rockhold, Cody Rodgers,Carlos Rodriguez-Cuevas, Avery Rouser, Jomain Rouser, Omar Sadik, Hailey Shoemaker, Zachary Shoemaker, Jacob Smith, Janee Smith, Zackery Stephens, Skyler Stewart, Jacob Stickler, Jacob Stoskopf, Brook Sumonja, Holly Swearingen, Gabriel Taylor, Carolyn Timmerman, Brian Tolefree, Justin Toumberlin Jr., Benjamin VanDiest, Jordan Vaughn, Gavin Walrod, George Watts, Maria Wellman, Thomas Wiley, Kyndra Willis, Amy Wilson, Corrinne Yoder-Mulkey
2017: Jenna Renee Abram, Trace McKay Abts, Jerimiah Lee Andrews, Alaysia Nicole Baker, Mitchell Ross Ballock, Jenna Noel Beck, Brooklynn Nichole Beerbower, Ruth Lynn Besser, Siam Suvit Boyd, Hayden Dietz Brown, Samuel Hunley Campbell, Julee Rae Cobell, Dakota James Coble, Elyssa Auriel Conrad, Evan Lonee’ Demuth, Jesse Alan Dennison, Chase Tucker Dressler, Maggie Brianne Durkin, Jarrett Thor Durrant, Montiahgo Jesus Enriquez, Clayton Rhodd Faircloth, Grace Marie Fawcett , Jordan Lynn Flakus, Bret Kenneth Folks, Cameron Ross Foster, Philip Jaycob Foster, Mallory Tempest Gilbert, Hannah Jeraldine Vishkoff Gollihare, Samantha Aleyse Green, Isaac Mitchell Gutsch, Diego Jaime H. McGary-Munoz, Kaitlyn Kay Haskett, Josiah Daniel Heckman, Breyanna Sharon Hicks, Addison Lynn Hinds, Joshua David Hollinger, Christian Scott Hoover, Jillian Elaine Merene Hopson, David Wayne Hornberger, Lauren Nicole Howard, Taylor Rhea Huff, Camden Michael Johnson, Jaiana Carielle Johnson, Max Allen Johnson, Morgan Wesley Jones, Preston Owen Rees Kane, Ethart Levi Leahew, Matthew Paul Longacre, Victoria Vyacheslavovna Lupandin, Victoria Lynn Male, Braeden Colby Manley, McKayla Dawn Maples, Kieran James Martin, Andre Mateo Martinez, Salena Marie Martinez, Ayrin Sue McAfee, Brian Adam McAfee, Michael Alan McClaskey, Blake Aaron McNorton, Blaine Lee Miller, Danielle KayDean Mitchell, Morgan Thomas Monroe, Tristan Alexander Monroe, Emilie Irene Murphy, Aaron Steven Najera, Savannah Jolee Newman, Halle Marissa Norris, Katelyn Paige Ormsby, Ty Dakota Pearson, Melanie Marie Reese, Katherine Rose Rosewicz, Emma Lynn Schmidt, Sydney Grace Shain, Kolbi Jessica Shanks, Kennedy Noel Shockley, Shawn Michael Spurling, Mathew Joseph Stephens, Chancelor Michael Sterba, Rachel Lynn Stockton, Vanessa Mae Taylor, Jasmine Shanti Thevarajoo, Makenzie Irene Cozette Thornton, Taigen Marie Tilton, Austin Christopher Tornedon, Madison Kay Travis, William Ryan Verbanic, Lacey Linnae Vesecky, Jordan Thomas Vonderbrink, Lydia AnnMarie Walls, Ashley Elizabeth Wheeler, Jake Brandon Whitebread, Delaney Dean Williams, Jace Mitchell Wise
2018: Dustin Simon Adler, Nicolas Aguilar, Wyatt Lane Barnhardt, Caleb Wayne Basel, Brendan Lee Beerbower, Jonathan Edward Bock, Blake Austin Bowen, Jasmine Jade Boyd, Elizabeth Ann Bradley, Alexander Roderic Brown, Graci Jane Buchholz, Kori Patricia June Cadue, Emma Grace Campbell, Kele Aileen Carter, Sarah Anne Case, Anthony Jacob Cobb, Hunter Dean Darling, Collin Barnett Decker, Skylar Anthony Dennison, Kennedy KayDen Doherty, Leslie Claire Douglas, Daniel Christopher Dudley, Eric Michael Eimer, Sydney Ray Elmer, Kody Steven James Esposito, Abigail Alise Evans, Cody Neil Fagan, Brandt Michael Fewins, Ethan Michael Folks, Anthony Christopher Foster, Cole Thomas French, Lindsey Elizabeth Fry, Neo Alexander Galindo, Chase Garcia, Angel Renee Garrett, Peyton Lee Garvin, Nathan Will Gomez, Catherine Mary Grosdidier, Augiste Josephine Hamilton, Eian Hyon Han, Tristan John Handley, Andrew Taylor Harmon, Brayden Wayne Heath, Kayla Renee Hernandez, Destiny Paige Hibner, Haley Ann Hoffmann, Abigail Rose Hollinger, Alaina Patricia Howe, Emily Renee Hull, Anika Justine Jobe, Oliver Yale Jobe, Noah William Katzenmeier, Elijah William Kennedy, Paisley Anne Labelle, Megan Linville Lauber, Daniel Wayne Lawrukiewicz, Ber'Shawn Martin LeFlore, Savannah Ann Leochner, Michael Christopher Lewis, Christian Scott Long, Spencer Michael Manning, Sarah Kay McClellan, Jameson Lawrence McGinness, Joshua Allen Meuffel, Desha Lenee Middleton, Ronnie Andrew Middleton, Steven Andrew Monroe, Tracy Lynn Neis, Cyrus Lynn Neyman, Madison Love Nightingale, Jenna Nicole Nitchals, Michael Richard Alexzandor Notestine, Austin Scott Ormsby, Caleb Trey Ostronic, Baily Deon Parks, Nicholas William Patterson, Nicole Joan Pearson, Jack Aaron Penrose, Eric Lee Phillips, Joshua Albert Brooks Pippert, Creighton John Platt, Kelby James Potter, Devin Mackenzie Purcell, Phillip Joseph Pyle, Anthony Carlos Ramirez, Blake Adam Reed, Mark Paul Reed, Meredith Megan Regehr, David Adam Robinson, Tanner Scott Rocha, Michael Austin Rommelfanger, Fabian Rosales, Gabriel David Rubow, Ethan Noah Sarlls, Sean Matthew Schafer, Savanna Joan Schneck, Chandler Michael Schram, Chase Michael Scruggs, Abbigail Grace Shockley, Pierce Nicholas Shultz, Addison Nicole Smith, Tayler Renee Smith, Camryn Grace Splichal, Casandra Lynn Stout, Julia Paige Straub, Whitney Shannon Stuart, Jaden Elizabeth Taylor, Sydney Nicole Tener, Creighton Dale Thomas, Joseph Lawrence Thompson, Nicole Elizabeth Thrailkill, Khalil Cynkea Thrasher, Weston Davis Trefz, Xavier Christian Lee Tripp, Jeffery Dean Wallace, Jarrett Allen Watkins, Curtis Donald Wesley, Colby Carter West, Nicole Marian Whitten, Craig Daniel Williams, Nicholas Jacob Williamson, Jack Alexander Willis, Ashliegh Donella Witt, Nicholas Anthony Worden, Mary Patricia Young, William George Younkin, Andrew Robert Zook
2019: Sebastian Aguilar, Jenna Noreen Allen, Hagan Wyatt Andrews, Madison Elizabeth Arnold, Collyn Lee Athey, Cecelia Violet Baise, Avery Bradshaw Baranet, Isabel Marie Barrera, Matthew Joseph Beckham, Nathaniel Lui Boucher, Jace Lee Bryan, Chloe Iris Bulleigh, Hunter Joseph Cadue, Betsy Renae Cain, Nyah Elaine Coleman, Britney Ann Conner, Michael Ray Conner, Payton Rae Cook, Tristan Renee Croucher, Jennifer Marie Crouse, Nicholas David Dahl, Zoe Madison Dameron, Kalen Tay Dressler, Kelby Tye Dressler, Cheyenne Marie Duffy, Garret Matthew Durr, Gavin West Elston, Kyla Ilana Etter, Jaden Stefan Feliz-Kent, Zaxary Taylor Flaherty, Riley Leann Foltz, Alaneon Antione Ford, Autumn Nicole Foster, Brionne Nichole Foster, Emma Marie Foster, Ashley Taylor Fox, Alexandria Irene Garcia, Loralei Piper Gilbert, Taylor Danielle Graves, Samantha Evelyn Gregory, Nathaniel Joseph Grosdidier, Jacob Robert Haney, Christopher James Harris, Holland Faith Harvat, Wrigley Noah Heide, Hunter James Heier, Elyjah Gabriel Helm, Emily Ann Hemberg, Derek Allen Hemel, Dalton James Hibner, Kasper Steven Hiebert-Kelley, Korbin Ray Hiebert, Tasia Felice Hill, Corey Raymond Hoover, Kaiden Michael Horting, Jackson Tyler Houser, Justin Anthony Hurt, Westly Kane Hutton, Rock Michael Jerome, Dalton Richard Jones, Megan Faye Kennedy, Chyenne Nicole Kurtz, Savannah Ann Leochner, Jacob Rylan Livengood, Brian Robert Lounsbury, Grace Parker Lovett, Alexandria Elizabeth Lowe, Alexander Dane Martin, Jackson Mack Mauricio, Kasi Lynn McCormick, Kayleigh Jordon McCoy, Meadow Lynn Meier, Ashley Dawn Miller, Breeanna Nichole Moore, Miranda Marie Mori, Hannah Jolene Mosser, Anthony Roy Munoz, Nina Isabella Irene Muro, Lindsey Brooke Nebel, Carter Matthew Neis, Trynt Izick Lee Notestine, BreAwna Marie Nuckolls, Jakob Daniel Orr, Truman Wayne Orr, Griffin Donald Dean Oxley, Jayden Alexander Pierce, Owen Graeme Platt, Devon Joesph Reczek, Jordan Alexandria Reed, Kaitlyn Marie Reusch, Kimberly Lynn Reusch, Katelyn Marie Rodgers, Madison Diana Roether, Jillian Elizabeth Rosewicz, Madison Rosalia Sanchez, Aiden Nevaeh Saxer, Taylor Lee Schmidt, Grant Robert Schuck, Jillian Mary Schultz, Xavier Troy Seurer, Gage Alexander Shepherd, Colton Raye Shrum, Sarah Ann Sollars, Madison Irene Steffen, Maizlyn Dirae Sterba, Emily Kay Stilley, Ezekiel Saison Taylor, Sawyer K Tomlinson, Makayla Arlene Torres-Atterbury, Skyler Lynn Vanderbilt, Wyatt Lee VanDusen, Holly Renae Vesecky, Serena Marie Ward, Conner Dane Watson, Emily Elizabeth Watson, Troy Joseph Watts, Liberty Renee Welsh, India Alexandria Swain Whitaker, Sydney Dawn Wilkins, Cole Martin Williams, Samuel Patrick Willis, Camdon Cole Willits, Brayden William Yoder-Mulkey, Caleb Steven Zimmerman
2020: Lauren Cate Abram, Jayce Logan Andrews, Brant Rowe Arnold, Fatima Avila, Jarrett Lee Barnhardt, Drayke McDaniel Baxter, Alyssa Brooke Beckham, Dylan Memphis Berry, Jacob Donald Boucher, Jerratt Todd Bradley, Tristen William Ryan Brecheisen, Brett Austin Breedlove, Alexandra Mae Brouhard, Lydia Grace Brown, Ashley Marie Campbell, Morgan Elizabeth Campbell, Brayden Michael Clark, Alexis Brianna Conner, Khloe Elizabeth Crawshaw, James Arthur Cromer, Addison Quinn Dahl, Ross Eldon Engle, Celeste Lysa Etter, Claire Elizabeth Ewy, Allie Marie Faughn, Delaney Elizabeth Franklin, Kale Joseph Mark Frost, Jack Brandon Gadberry, Allison Rosalie Gladfelder, Logan Thomas Grauberger, Larry Wayne Gulley, Brandy Elizabeth Hadl, Nellie Jane Hall, Mason James Hart, Hartley, Christopher Campbell, Kaden Douglas Hartwell, Samuel David Sloan Hayden, Hannah Grace Hazeldine, Brianna Lea Hemel, August Frank Sebastian Henricks, Chloe Elizabeth Hernandez, Braeden Cooper Herron, Reagan Janell Hiebert, Riley Janea Hiebert, Adan Johnathon Holguin, Carolyn Sue Hoover, Shaunna Rene Hoover, Emily Ann Howard, Alexis Nicole Howell, Christopher James Huslig, Kjersten Elizabeth Inskeep, Zachariah Lee Johnson, Brooke Danielle Kornmueller, Shyanne Nicole Lasher, Brittan Kylee Manley, Mia Sue Ann Manley, Keylee Shaye Dolina Mauricio, Cail Quinlan McKee, Jacob August Merkle, Ashley Nicole Metcalf, Brant Robert Miller, Hayden Lane Miller, Tanya Marie Miller, Adam Joseph Monroe, Brett Jacob Neis, Kaylee Dawn Neis, Carlee Isabella Norris,Mara Elisabeth Oleson, Megan Lee Paulsen, Kathleen Anne Plate, Benjamin Suh Jin Posch, M'Cheila Danae Rader, Kane Dekya Randall, Caleb Gage Reazin, Matthew Gabriel Reding, Dylan Michael Riemer, Connor David Schmidt, Cole Christian Schuck, Tucker Dean Shackelford, Keagan Danielle Shockley, Sierra Leenae Smith, William Christopher Smith, Anna Renee Smoots, Thomas Paul Sollars, Emily Elizabeth Spurling, Joshua Hunter Stadick, Christian Scott Stevens, Lilli Marie Stires, Emma Elizabeth Stockton, Madison Taylor Sullivan, Jett Li Swanson, Evan Grant Thakker, Andrew Joseph Thompson, Alexander Boran Timmerman, Madison Leanne Torneden, Logan Wayne Trober, Madelyn Josie Underwood, Maci Paige Votaw, Timothy Cole Morris Walker, Noah Blake Watkins, Caden Craig Willits, Joshua Caleb Ziesenis
2021: Raegan Abel, Ty Abts, Gabriel Alcaraz, Holden Andrews, Eily Ashley, Kourtney Balluch, Malachi Barron, Corey Bateson, Braden Beadleston, Caitlin Beets, Cole Benoit, Cooper Berry, Mathew Besser, Christian Biberstein, Alexis Bishop, Travis Bohneblust, Trevor Bohnenblust, Cole Boose, Kale Breedlove, Corbin Brown, Emma Brown, Hannah Brown, Rebekah Brown, Lily Bucholz, Daniel Campbell, Dylan Coleman, Christopher Conley, Nathaniel Criqui, Jude Dameron, Caven Denham, Kyle Devore, Paige Dudley, Kate Erpelding, Mathew Evans, Justin Fawcett, Abel Felguerez, Kylee Fillinger, Garret Folks, Cambry Fox, Brett Freisberg, Joey Gales, Ammon Garrett, Brylee Graff, Tanner Greene, Daniel Grosdidier, Cameron Handley, Allison Hardman, Skylar Hartley, Harbour Harvat, Karter Haskett, Christian Hattmer, Kaitlyn Hayes, Chloe Heide, Tristen Heldstab, Keaton Herron, Dakota Heston, Aaron Hicks, Darrell Higgins, Brie Hinds, Gavin Hobson, Alyssa Homes-Ford, Alec Hopson, Kody Huslig, Nora Jones, Matthew Karten, Jack Kleineweber, Benjamin Kooken, Colby Lawhorn, Isaac Lewis, Cael Lynch, Aaron Mackall, Ajay Makkonenn, Melia Martin, Eric Martinez, Jace McCormick, Aaron McDonald, Leah McGinnis, Brooke McNorton, Dylan Meier, Lauren Mitchell, Devon Moncrief, Harleigh Moore, Haylee Moorman, Brenten Ormsby, Olivia Pacheco, Jarod Papke, Alexandria Pascua, Jayla Pierce, Cameron Pittman, Ethan Polzin, Rachel Pratt, Bryce Prawl, Ezekiel Reazin, Mathew Reese, Jacob Rohaus, Mackenzie Rooney, Michaela Safford, Grace Shieferecke, Will Schreiner, Jameson Smith, Garrett Splichal, Charles Stephenson, Jace Tener, Chloe Thakker, Benjamin Thorne, Lexi Thorne, Zakary VanDiest, Alexander Vonderbrink, Jintry Walrod, Austin Watkins, Dakota Whitaker, Devon White, Taylor Whitesell, Hayden Willems, Jacob Williams, Leah Williams, Harrison Willlis, Caleb Young
2022: Trinity Alexus Allison, Sequoia Rhiannon Araiz, Kylie Michelle Armstrong, Claire Katherine Arnold, Kira Elizabeth Baker, Eleanor Rose Barnard, Noah Wayne Barton, Alijah Anne Basel, Brayden Levi Beerbower, Jaren Michael Reese Bennett, Faith Leilani Beyer, Madeline Nicole Born, Javier Bracho Romagnano, Lauren Isabelle Brinsfield, Aaron Rocco Brown, Conner Michael Bryant, Marissa Diane Bulleigh, Rylee Ashlynn Calhoon, Julian Thomas Campbell, Bryce Jakob Clark, Ling Elizabeth Clobes, Regina Montserrat Cobian Meza, Dakota Alan Copeland, Derek James Copeland-Parr, Raymond Anthony Cornejo, Taggert Michael Courter, William Michael Cromer, Isaiah Nathaniel Cullison, Sydney Eleanor Cutting, Madison Lee Dillon, Anastasia Rose Dorton, Mac Phillip Douglas, Seth Cadence Dunn, Emma Renee Durr, Silas Anthony Etter, Sophia Grace Ewy, Joseph Michael Faircloth, Cale Martin Feuerborn, Tyler Allen Foltz, Dayton Allen Fraser, Molly Marie Freisberg, Killian James Galindo, Andrew Scott Greener, Caleb Levi Gregory, Madison Paige Grosdidier, Makayla Lynn Grosdidier, Kassidy Faith Gutsch, Taylor Dawn Hadl, Elli Madison Han, Jenna Lee Haney, Conner Michael Harnden, Adriana Beth Harper, Kallie Jo Harper, Gage Miles Hayden, Braden Daniel Hayes, Coltin Thomas Heath, Alexzandria Lynn Hedrick, Jaden Wayne Hill, Megan Elaine Hull, Tyler Joseph Hunt, Jesse Michael Hutchison, Waylan Cole Hutton, Eliana Schmidt Isenburg, Sabrina Rose Jankowski, Wyatt Henry Johnson, Mason Benedict Kane, Mark Alan Kreutzer, Ashley Ann Kuntz, Kelsey Marie Kwiatkowski, Isaiah David L'Ecuyer, Madison Danielle Lee, Jaykob Wayne Lemonds, Ireland Raine Lewis, Makenna Ruthann Lindsay, Katie Reann Little, Cody Jay Loganbill, Trenton Ray Long, Makenna Dawn Longacre, Caleb Hunter Lord, Allen Joseph Luckinbill, Ava Jae Martin, Carlos Antonio Miguel Martin, Teaghn Elayn Maweu-LeRow, Mackenzie Sue Mayer, Kurtis Allan Joseph McCormick, Bryce John McDowell, Campbell Gene McNorton, Alexa Sage Metcalf, Isabella Marie Meyer, Jenna Lyn Milford, Haley Danielle Miller, Erica Anne Monroe, Emily Grace Moody, Gavin Walker Moody, Landen Lee Myer-Dimuro, Addisan Sofia Naff, Tyler Dale Neis, Hailey Brooke Nelson, Shai Lynne Nettles, Ashton Wade Olson, Maizey Jane Orr, Alexander James Patterson, Katelyn Marie Patterson, Maya Jo Pattison, Nathan Aaron Pell, Johnathen Lance Percell, Trenton Scott Perkins, Kathleen Sue Pope, Traeger Harrison Rader, Nicholas Joel Reding, Camden William Ridinger, Vanessa Madison Romero, Timothy William Ross, Sophia Dawn Sandstrom, Clynt Austin Sarlls, Sara Beth Schieferecke, Harper Rae Schreiner, Garrett Riley Shoemaker, Katie Beth Silkey, Julian Myles Simpson, Marquis Davieon Small, Russell Carl Smith, Jackson Barrett Spaeth, Clayton Scott Spring, Blake Michael Steinlage, Riley Nicole Steinman, Erica Joy Stilley, Daniel Lynn Stone, Benjamin Harrison Suber, Dakota Lee Thieme, Reaghan Guylene Transmeier, Joseph Dustin Ward, Abigail Raeanne Watson, Zoe Jael Weston, Stella Anne Whalen, Leah Diane White, Ellie Katherine Williams, Douglas Alan Worley, Melanie Marie Worrell, Carrie Grace Young, Steven Lomen Young, Mallory Jordan Vickers, Simon Loyd Walrod, Samuel Harrison Walters, Joseph Dustin Ward, Brandon James Warner, Abigail Raeanne Watson, Zoe Jael Weston, Stella Anne Whalen, Leah Diane White, Ellie Katherine Williams, Douglas Alan Worley, Melanie Marie Worrell, Carrie Grace Young, Steven Lomen Young
2023: Eleanor Katherine Anderson, Lou Andrew Armendariz-Cuevas, Daphne Lynn Baise, Mason Parker Balthazor, Micah Prose Barron, Lilee Patricea Bartelson, Gage Lanson Baumgartner, Christopher Michael Belk, Jaiden Ryan Bender, Shelby Kate Berry, Ella Rose Born, Joshua Forest Boucher, Hunter James Bradshaw, Kenneth Scott Brooks, Steven Elijah Brown, Colton Lee Bruce, Benjamin Daniel Burling, Alyssa Ann Chapman, Caleb Jackson Chrislip, Simeon Caedmon Chrislip, Kaylynn Jade Coffin, Kyle Richard Cooper, Carlee Jean Copeland-Parr, Christian Duane Alan Cox, Mason Bradley Cox, Madison Marie Daniels, Riley Erin Dempsey, Taylor Ann Dice, Jackson Asa Dines, Conor Christopher Dunback, Sadie Analiese Dunn, Lara LaVey Eaton, Aric James Elmer, Cain Martin Evans, Eliza Mae Brynna Fewins, Austin James Fillinger, Phoebe Marie Fletcher, Andi LeAnn Fraser, Elexis Renee Frost, Breanna Marlee Gabel, Ethan Robert Gales, Moriah Vera Garrett, Samuel Charles Giffin, Andrew Robert Gomez, Makenzie Joann Graves, Quentin Gregory Greer, Branden Joseph Gregory, Abigail Beth Grisafe, Randy Dean Guthrie, Brian Joe Hall, Brayden Michael Hamilton, Isabelle Marie Hamilton, Jaden Lee Hamm, Kale Matthew Hammerschmidt, Addison Marie Harnden, Ethan Edward Harris, Ava Lauren Heide, Mylena Marie Hennis, Karalynn Grace Horting, Savannah Carol Howe, Colin Matthew Howton, Parker Joseph Hurla, Branden Levi Hutchison, Emery Ann Johnson, Rebecca Noel Johnson, Alexis Lea Paige Jones, Natalie Nichole Karten, Micah George Katzenmeier, Abby Kayleen Keltner, Isaac Theodore L'Ecuyer, RyLee Irene Lindsey, Nicholas Dallas Livengood, Tatum Danielle Longacre, Gage Michael Lutz, Octavius Dashawn Lyles, Corey Michael Maples, Jolie Anna McWhirt, Noah Jay Merkle, Aidan Scot Miller, Kayleigh Jean Miller, Gabriella Rose Mixon, Max Eoin Mize, Jessica Denise Moncrief, Eythen James Moore, Lizabeth Ann Mueting, Sophia Marie Nichols, Andrey Patrick Nieder-Nazarenko, Haley Grace Owens, Cole Edward Parker, Joselyn Marie Pickett, Brylie Aaryn Prawl, Dannielle Nichole Proctor, Camden Michael Rietcheck, Brittaine Nicole Rooney, Julian Rosales, Sophia Renea Sanchez, Dylan Thomas Schmidt, Logan Thomas Schmidt, London Ki'ese Scholz, Sawyer Anne Schreiner, Mia Kim Schuck, Audrey Faith Shain, Kambry Jo Shockley, Dalton Randall Shrum, Jonas Kenan Staples, Terek William Lisenby Stoll, Carter Landon Stone, Brooklyn Paige Thorne, Joseph Martin Tyhurst, Noah Lambertus van Foeken, Maddox Adair Votaw, Sarah Elizabeth Watts, Kadi Jo Weeks, Destiny Jo White, Emiri Kathleen White, Kevin Michael Whitten, Amelia Ruth Willis, Addison Dawn Woods, Lily Marie Zsuzsics-Jones
2024: Avery Joy Abram, Harper Elizabeth Andrews, Kayli Elizabeth Armstrong, Zachary Chad Arnold, Mitchell Wilson Ashley, Sophia Rose Aubrey, Karissa Marie Baker, Grady Kristian Balthazor, Colton Jayce Barnhardt, Nathanial Dean Barnhart, Maisson Isaac Bateman, Holly Isabelle Baumann, Benjamin Tyler Benoit, Allison Rae Boose, Wesley Aaron Borger, Brooklyn Paige Braden, Evan James Bradley, Timothy Paul Brantley, Bradley Allan Brock, Josie Ann Brooks, Preston Steven Bruce, Grant Michael Buchholz, Kadon Lain Carlyle, Cheyenne Marie Centers, Alex Solares Clobes, Cheng Xin Clobes, Jerry Dale Coble, Destiny Marie Cole, Lillian Mae Cooper, Thomas Paul Cromer, Macy Rose Crooks, Logan Meredith Cundiff, Reagan Emery Dahl, Jordan Paige Dempsey, Ella Rayne Dorton, Harlie Christine Dougherty, Corben James Edgar, Jayla Lynn Erpelding, Mea Arabella Raine Felix, Blythe Isabella Agnes Fewins, Jadyn Elizabeth Flory, Rayah Danielle Foltz, Kelton Stone-Delous Ford, Joshua Andrew Fortner, Makellan Gabriel Foster, Gabrielle Rose Fraser, Lindsey Ann Fugitt, William Moss Gabel, Karlamarie Gardenhire-Cuevas, Lucy Anne Giffin, Lauren Rose Grauberger, Collie McLaine Grey, Rylee Michelle Griffin, Anthony Ray Grisafe, Lane Alan Hadley, Cleveland Edward Hall, Brayden Aaron Handley, Ryleigh Mae Hartwell, Havayah Grace Harvat, Rylynn Marae Healzer, Thomas Benedict Heap, Lillian Rene Helm, Braden Eugene Hemel, Miguel Alessandro Hernandez Perdomo, Hannah Honey Hillebert, Chloe Michael Holt, Braylen Dean Hoobler, Mackenzie Lynn Hopkins, Brenna Renee Hueser, Jace Anthony Jackson, Jack Griffin Jacobs, Dale Allen Johnson, Isabella Grace Johnson, Madison Grace Karten, Peyton Joseph Kelley, Abigail Kay Kennedy, Kaden Roger Kerr, David Michael Klimiuk, Christian Ray Koehn, Kason Reid LaMont, Preston Esaias Langley, Blake Austin Gene LaPean, Olivia Danielle Lawhorn, Derek John Lehmann, Khloe Ann Long, Parker Marie Long, Audrey Winter Mach, Matthew Eric Magette, Kole Lee Manley, Georgia Elizabeth Martin, Campbell Marie Mayer, Riley Scott McCaig, Johnathan Wayne McClintock, Aidan James McDonald, Sergio Gael Medrano, Julian Orion Meier, Addison Sophia Metcalf, Shelby Leeann Miller, Max Conrad Mitchell, Brennan Joyce Moeckel, Sean Patrick Moffitt, Savannah Rae Moreno-Mower, Miles Justin Morford, Reagan Grace Moriarty-Stafford, Kaden Riley Eisenbarger Mulryan, Kyleigh Kay Musick, Haley Ann Marie Musteen, Taylor Joleen Neis, Tanner James Newman, Max Alan Nokes, Norah Grace Oehlert, Lainey Marie Orr, Rebekah Joy Owens, Sydney Marie Owens, Carter Anthony Pacheco, Gabriel Mark Pacheco, Kiera Marie Isabella Patterson, Caitlyn Nikole Peterson, Jayde Ann-Marie Pierce, Zachary Joseph DeWayne Pippert, Jonah Walter Pratt, Dakota Michael Pringle, Ayden Patrick Ramirez, Ethan Charles Rash, Luis Manuel Razo, Nathaniel Tytus Reazin, Joseph Andrew Rice, Leliann Marie Rife, Thomas Jesus Romero, Kayla Diana Ross, Noah Everett Schafer, Adrion Robert Seals, Kyra Jenelle Shanks, Trista Bri Shaw, Brooklyn Kathleen Shepherd, Cadence Anne Shepherd, Kortlyn Marie Shockley, Bailey Annette Shoemaker, Justin Brody Shoemaker, Samuel Benedict Spaeth, Morgan Cecile Spencer, Devyn Lynn Spurling, Jenna Marie Stadick, Allison Nichole Stephens, Ellie Rose Suber, Logan Wayne Sullivan, Dennis Wyatt Summers, Katelynn Irene Thieme, Lealind Marie Trigg, Natalynn Paige Tuckness, Andrew James Turner, Joellen Loree Vogt, Jett Alan Watterson, Jacob David Weeks, Thomas Howard Welsh, Sophie Marie Whalen, Damian Wayne White, Owen Michael Wilks, Isaac Lee Winder, Madison Avery Woodruff, Tanner David Yankovich, MaKenzie Jae Yoder, Caleb Anthony Young, Jacob Louis Ziesenis
Photo: Holy Family Parochial School in 1892.
Holy Family Parochial School. Three Sisters of Charity — Mary Baptist Carney, Clara Kammer, and Ursula Sebus — from Leavenworth opened the Holy Family School in 1879 in a converted frame building across the street from the first Holy Family Church. Father Pichler taught the first two terms of school. Father Carius followed and taught with Katherine Blechel, a German scholar. Sister Alexia, a member of Sisters of Charity, Leavenworth, died during that time. She had been born in German 72 years ago and was among the first who taught in the parochial school in Eudora.
Teachers taught in the German language for several years. Several Lutheran children of the town, among them Lothholz family members, attended the parochial school. An invasion of grasshoppers ruined crops, forcing the school to close for a time because families couldn’t pay tuition. After it reopened, records for 1886 listed 40 pupils. Between 1893 to 1899, the school averaged 60 pupils.
Frank Sommer led the construction on a new school building in 1893 that was completed in 1894. Agnes Dunegan taught the first two school terms in this building, followed by a man from Denver, and later Kate Ginter. Hard times and a drought caused the school to shut down again for a few years.
Ursuline sisters from Paola re-opened the school. But once again, not enough money could be raised and the school closed in 1913. The building was used as a parish hall until 1925.
Under the guidance of Father Joseph Reich, the parish members built a new school in 1925 dedicated on Labor Day with a chicken dinner served the by Altar Society and concert by the Knights of Columbus of Kansas City, Kan. Benedictine Sisters from Atchison staffed it and lived in the parish house. (The John Hadl residence, southeast of the school, served as the parish house instead. The next year, the sisters rented the Hadl home for $18 a month, and the priest resided in the former school.) Ernie Simon, Simon Backhoe, razed the convent and school in 1992.
John Schopper said he would donate $1,000 if the congregation would match that amount to build a home for the sisters. After the congregation accepted his proposal, Frank Sommer drew plans for a one-story, four-room, 23-foot by 28-foot house with basement. Workers finished the house in 1932. Sisters Mary and Patricia, O.S.B.T. taught during this time. The 1935 eighth grade graduating pupils were Robert Neustifter, Charles Zillner, Bernard Winters, and Albert Hadle; 1946 eighth grade graduates were Gabriel Dunlap, Charles Shawbaker, James Ploor, Mary Lou Born, Martha Lee Born, Emeteria Barajos, and Juanita Barajos.
Between 1956 to 1969, the school averaged about a hundred students taught by three nuns. Loss of sisters, rising operating costs, and decreasing enrollment lead to the school’s ending in May of 1970. The last eighth grade class to graduate there included Janet Sommer, Anita Alvarez, Dody Grosdidier, Larry Katzfey, Tony Van Dyke, Karen Wehner, Susie Kelley, J.D. Scherer, Martha Gruber, and Don Durkin.
Sancta Maria Montessori School. In 1985, Jane Govern and Kathleen La’brie, lay members of the Society of Our Lady of Most Holy Trinity, approached Martha Mersmann and Walter Mersmann to introduce the Montessori method to area Catholic children. After discussion with other families and Father Jim Flannagan from the Society of Our Lady in Massachusetts, some local Catholic parents decided to start a school for children ages three to seven years old in the basement of 1623 Elm Street. For the first two years, Govern taught the primary levels as Marilee Quinn, Lawrence, got her Montessori teaching credentials. After two years, Quinn taught the primary grades and Govern taught children ages 6-12. For many years, the school has averaged about 35 pupils each year. Through the years, remodeling and additions expanded the original area.
Images: Top, from left: Belleview, Clearfield, Farmland; Bottom, from left: Roscoe, Weaver, Fall Leaf, Illustrations by Goldie Piper Daniels (Rural Schools and Schoolhouses of Douglas County, Kansas, 1975). To right, Hesper.
From the early 1800's to about 1950, one-room schools operated throughout Kansasas they did in many parts of the United States. At a Eudora Area Historical Society meeting on early schools, former teachers present were Maxine (Schellack) Averill, who taught at Kaw Valleyand Weaver; Margaret (Spitzli) Gabriel, who taught at Evening Star; Lena Milburn, who taught at Belle View; and Edna (Bond) Holmes, who taught at Clearfield.
They all remembered building stove fires to heat the schools. These stoves kept students warm on one side of their bodies and cold on the other. The teachers did everything from carrying the coal to organizing programs. Also, during the term year, schools operated every day. Teachers shared their dislike of outside privies. Each school had two, one for the boys and one for the girls. Schools also had a picture of George Washington hanging on their walls. Averill recalled she taught in 1934 to 1935 for $57.50 a month, which was higher than the average $35 to $40 monthly salary. She also said some of her students were not much younger than she.
Most of the following information about one-room schoolhouses around Eudora comes from Rural Schools and Schoolhouses of Douglas County by Goldie Piper Daniels (published in Baldwin, Kansas, by the author in 1975).
Belleview District No. 50. (1874-1948). Max and Caroline Sommer deeded one and one-half acres in the southeast corner of the Southeast ¼ of Section 24 Township 13 Range 20 to build a schoolhouse in 1874, although the school had been operating on that spot for several years. J. R. Allen helped lay out the grounds. C. M. Sears laid the foundation of the school, which was three miles south and two miles west of Eudora, and named it for its beautiful view to the east.
The school had kerosene lights and a large coal stove in the back of the room. Students had their own drinking cups for the well water. The outside well could be pumped dry, but would fill with water 20 minutes later. Outside toilets were northwest of the building.
Gertrude Wells was the only teacher known to have taught there before 1897. In a letter, she said she taught about 70 pupils. In 1898, the school graduated Blanche West and Harry Whaley and had 82 enrolled students taught by Lizzie Tuttle who received $41 in monthly wages. She used the texts of Excelsior readers, James & DeGarmo Spellers, Belefield Arithmetics, Rand McNally Geographies, and others. O.J. Lane taught after Tuttle (1900-1901), followed by Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robertson (1901-1903), A.C. Sanborn and Alpha Lane(1903-1904). Other duos who each taught a term were: Blanche Pilcher and Bertha Allison, Edith Wolgamott and Lena Jones, and Maud Lybarger and Estella Lybarger (two terms). In 1907-1908, only B.F. Allison taught. Following teachers were Clide Butler, Edith Hess, Nellie Laws, Nellie Hyland, Malta Sheppard, Bernice Giffee, Ada Davis and Bernice Giffee, Ada Davis, Lola Wilbur, Ethel Pfleger, Kathleen Kelsell (one week), Mabel Wheeler, Ethel Kindred, Mabel Hevener, Violet Wilson, A. Louise Freese, Mrs. J. B. Birkhead, Edna Musick, Marian Grist, Milton Janicke, Buena Vista Morgan, Marian Madl, Alma Votaw, Alma Knott, and Lena Milburn.
The school closed from 1946 to 1948. The district voted 19-6 on February 26, 1948 to close the school and to become part of Eudora District No. 9. Leonard Hadl bought the school at auction and dismantled it. Pearson Davis bought the site. Kenneth Tuggle built a home on the site in 1952.
Bluemound School No. 29 (1854-1949). Ed Harvey, a lifetime resident of the area, wrote in 1943: “In talks with old settlers of the district, I have been told that the first school to be held in Blue Mound was held in 1857 in a house located on the northeast corner of the Northeast ¼ of Section 28 Township 13 Range 20 in Wakarusa Township. Records indicate that William Stone was hired in 1859 to teach for a three-month term. Chosen texts were Saunders’ Readers and Spellers, Colton and Fitche’s Geographies, Pineo’s Grammars, Ray’s Arithmetics and Algebra, and Parker’s Philosophy. Martha Cutter and Amanda Lutes taught the next two, three-month terms. Black children were taught in a house in Section 27 by Emma Whaley.”
The offer of Henry Landon to donate an acre of land for a schoolhouse was accepted in 1862. The 20-foot by 30-foot stone school house took two years to build as funds were raised. In 1865, students, both black and white, attended the school, which housed a community library and had a stone outhouse. A hedge row provided fencing and a windbreak. By 1869, the enrollment of 54 students caused the board to enlarge the building to 24-foot by 38-foot. A later coat of stucco after 1900 was the only other change made. The last class (1946) contained four students: Jeanette Mitchell, Gene Johnston, Barbara Mitchell, and Delores Mitchell. In 1949, 45 of 51 voters favored consolidation with Vinland causing the school to close. Some teachers who taught at Bluemound were Frankie Miller, Charles Barber, Julia Dunn, W. H. Gill and Katie Gill, Mary Conger, Amanda Allen, Annie Wood, J. J. Mason, Richard Mead, Annie Sears, Florida Bryson, William McQuiston, Josie Wheeler, Minnie Montgomery, L.D.L. Tosh, K. Williams, W. L. Tuttle, William Lawrence, George McNees, Charles Elwell, A.M. Havermole, Sadie Dudgeon, Olive Reed, E. M. Emmett, Minnie Miller, E. C. Cowles, Nellie Oakes, J. W. O’Bryon, Ida Reece, Birch Tuttle, C.W. Pearson, Alma Armstrong, Elizabeth Tuttle, Minnie Reno, Emma Martin, Ida Lyons, C. O. Bowman, Zurie Campbell, Lucille Markwell, Viola Hankins, Stella Stuart, Eva Bates, Emanuel Bixler, Alice Cooper, Ida Lyons, Charles Allison, Paul Brune, Emily Rocklund, Lena Jones, Estella Lybarger, Myrtle Stevenson, Rosalie Griffith, Blanche O’Neil, Jacquetta Reed, Etta William, Lucy Dunkley, Elizabeth Tuttle, Elsie Dolby, Mildred Day, Clara Randel, Margaret Coffman, George McCaffrey, Josephine Gentry, Anne Hill, Esther Eckman, Herbert Nunemaker, Mildred Chandler, Anne Kelley, Erma Rumsey, Alberta Hadl, Freda Cowles, Mae Turner, Ruth Skinner, Edith Hammond, and Anna Hubbard.
Clearfield District No. 58 (Union District No. 24) (1852-1946). Established in 1852, this school is one of the oldest rural schools in Kansas. The first school, a 30-foot by 36-foot log building, was on the Rodewald farm three-fourths miles east of Clearfield on the banks of Captain’s Creek. It had four windows on each side, and inside a rostrum curved outward into the room and served as the teacher’s desk. Until 1880, the community also used the schoolhouse as a church. For many years when enrollment could reach as high as 100 students, teachers taught in German because few pupils could speak English. Families who sent students to the school, included those of Brecheisen, Breithaupt, Fuhs, Kramer, McKinney, Meeder, Strong, Shotterburg, Staffen, Schopper, Sturm, Schendel, Selzer, and Adler.
In 1900, Sarah and Albert Rodewald deeded one and one-fourth acres near the southwest corner of Section 16, Township 14, Range 20 and 21 for a school site on which a former schoolhouse was erected, one-half mile west of the previous school. In 1908, Gideon and Paulina Breithaupt deeded land at Southeast ¼ of Section 17, Township 14, Range 21 so that the school house could be moved to a more convenient location. George Hausmann Sr. signed a lease in 1911 that gave the school the use of his well for 99 years or as long as the school needed it. The school also used a cistern dug later. After 1946, the school closed and students attended school in the Baldwin school district. The Grange used the schoolhouse for a meeting place for many years until the schoolhouse became personal property. Some teachers were Hattie Hanson, Alice Reed and Emma Schendel, George Nichols, Ida Reed, Anna Parker, Katharyn Brecheisen, Anna Miller, Ellen Mellville, Elsie Hibner, Stella Breithaupt, Ervie Wingert Breithaupt, John Albright, Vera Breithaupt, Lillian Milburn, Helen Johns, Nora Vitt, Winona Selzer, Helen Selzer, Mrs. H. Breithaupt, Isabelle Maxwell, Fern Broers, Dorothy Gabriel, Anna Louise Welch, Esther Eckman, Katherine Kelly, Lorene Williams, Anna Kelley, Margaret Lytle, Clara Randel, Rosemary Stewart, and Edna (Bond) Holmes.
Evening Star. Three miles east of Eudora, this square building schoolhouse closed in 1946, remembered Elva Ruth. Students drank with tin cups from a well, which occasionally went dry. When the well ran dry, students would have to go to the neighbors up the road to get water. Ruth said everyone wanted this job to get out of class
Fairview (1880s-1945). Also known as Scratchpoint, this school was located in Johnson County three miles south and three-fourths east of Eudora. It is estimated to have been in existence in the 1880s, but exact dates remain unknown because records before 1937 were destroyed. The building had one large classroom, a small entry-way, coal and wood stove, a well with a pump outside, and outside toilets. Playground equipment was a swing, teeter-totter, and ball bat. The Neis, Mistele, Outland, Hales, Koch and other families sent children to this school. Elsie Oldham remembered that the school had a potbelly stove, pie suppers, and examinations taken at Prairie Center each year. When Fairview consolidated with Hesper in 1945, the building was sold and moved to 731 Maple Street in Eudora. Teachers included Sam and Ruth Hill, Ruth Allison, Mrs. Garrett, Margie Fairchild, Clarence Miller, and Georgie Plistil. Teachers often lived with the Sam Neis family.
Fall Leaf. Students first attended school in a log cabin built in 1865. The #52 school district building was small and didn’t have any desks, only benches. Roxannie Davis of Hesper was the first teacher. The board officers were John J. Weber, clerk; Logan Ziegler, treasurer; and Andrew Brown, director. By 1870, there were 74 pupils enrolled, and in 1881, a stone building was built for the 63 students. The stone structure was replaced with a large, frame one-room building in 1899 that burned February 9, 1909. Then a brick schoolhouse was built on a knoll near the railroad tracks in 1913 by Albert Von Gunten, a contractor from Eudora. Arthur Kirkman, Ed Meinkey, Cleve Evert, Noah Canary, and Walter Dare helped in the construction of the school that still stands today. The last classes held in the brick schoolhouse were in 1953 for 13 students. After that year, the pupils were transferred to Linwood. When the school closed, it had only 13 students, and students such as those from the Tornedon, Bryant, Abbott, Pritchard, Canarys, Schellack, and Koerner families attended Linwood schools. The school later was used for Grange and Masonic meetings. Marie Wickey Milleret, a long-time resident of Fall Leaf, taught the eight-month term during 1941 and 1942, the war years. In August of 1993, Mrs. Milleret wrote some of her Fall Leaf school memories. She recalled: "School board members were Harvey Schlack, Fred Reetz and William Reetz. There were about 25 pupils in all eight grades. The building had a coal-fired stove in a corner. A Mrs. Abott was janitor, sweeping the room and starting the fire in the stove to warm the school before the teacher and pupils arrived. The students were active in the Leavenworth County Relays and "scored very high in 1942."
Farmland No. 71 (1870-1955). The widow of Robert Peebles deeded in 1870 an acre of land at the southwest corner of Section 31 Township 12 Range 21 for a 30-foot by 40-foot schoolhouse of soft bricks. It had four windows on each side and a door in the south. A blackboard extended across the north wall. Two cloak rooms at the front entrance partitioned the entry from the main school room. The partition was eight-feet high so that heat from the pot-bellied stove could pass over and warm the coats and keep the dinner bucket contents from freezing.
Records of 1898 showed the following students in the school: Minnie, Jennie, Gertrude, and Ada Browning; Henry and Lizzie Curlett; Clara, Joe, and Ralph Davis; Guy Grimes; Samuel Harris; Edna, Henry, and Edie Holton; Olive Holmes; James, Elmer, and May Norton; William Miller; John, Emma, Arthur, and Edwin Ott; Irvin, Lulu, and Emmett Pipes; and Mina, Lena, and Willie Schlegel.
In 1926, after oiling the floor to keep down dust and preserve the wood, the teacher built up the fire and banked it for the night. A fire destroyed the school during that night with many thinking the floor heat ignited the oil. Students went to either Kaw Valley School No. 12 or Eudora No. 28. Those coming to Eudora had to travel through a slough with water in it, so Fred Papenhausen was hired to transport them in a covered wagon drawn by a team of horses. He wrapped hot bricks in old blankets to kept students’ feet warm on the trip. J. L. Constant built a new schoolhouse that served the community until 1955 when the district merged with Kaw Valley District No. 95. Carl Perkins bought the schoolhouse and site for $3,300. Records starting in 1897 show some teachers who taught here: Miss R.E. Emmett, Sadie Dorsey, Eva Barrett, Otta Rhodes, Frances Albert, Ella Hase, Kathryn Leonhard, Mayme Brune, Alta Roe, Mary Fuller, Alice Hyatt, Douglas Harris, Nettie Phillips, Mary Henley, Howard Mann, Mary Schehrer, Phebe Bigsby, Anna Hammig, Louis Knopp, Stella Brazil, Martha Schehrer, Telitha Newton, Vera Hibbard, Gladys Peterson, Nellie Perkins, Bessie Brown, Annabel Rasmussen, Lorene Deckwa, Ruth Bartz, Alvena Knabe, Ethel March, Clara Waner, and Grace Waner.
Franklin District No. 16. At the pro-slavery settlement of Franklin, students first attended school in a cabin, then a church, and later a stone building that also was a store and post office. R. L. and Mary Williams deeded the southeast corner of lot 24 in Franklinfor a school site. On that site, a 30-foot by 36-foot white pine school school was made from lumber shipped from Minnesota farms. Students enrolled in the 1897 year were Elmer and Ada Breckenridge; Mabel Chambers; Charles Davis; Nelson, Grace, Arlie, and Nina Duncan; Lloyd and Roy Green; Willis and Leslie Hernel; Allie Hines; Olive, Anna, Edna, and Willis Hartman; Edna, Henry, and Edward Hilton; William, Jeanette, and Edith Johns; Harry Klass; Joe and Josephine Laughley; George, Charles, Maud, and Levi Sternberg; Mae Watkins; Fern Wilson; Jessie, Myrtle, Nora, Ethel, Eva, and Perry Whitney; and Lee, Walter, John, Edith, and Jennie Young.
For some reason, a new school house was built in 1912. It burned the same year and was rebuilt. By 1950, enrollment was so small that students attended school elsewhere. In February 1951, the district disorganized. Perry Kitzmiller bought the schoolhouse and equipment at auction and moved the building to his barn lot. Some teachers from 1897 on were B.E. Tuttle, Cora Elliott, Maida Donahue, Rella Houdyshel, Martha Koehring, Elsie Hoskins, Lawrenia Shaw, B.G. Allison, D.Z. Hinshaw, Alta Phillips, Maud Butler, Kathryn Saile, Bernice Eastman, Christine Meyer, Carol Martin, Mabel Burke, Florence Banker, Nellie McLean, W.S. Price, Ruth Ford, Ethel Miller, Carolyn Perkins, Ina Bahmaier, Mildred Wilson, Eunice O’Brien, Ellen Melville, Anna Lee, Anna Lee Johns, Kathleen Strong, Erma Rumsey Allison, Louise Pfleger, Dorothy Mae Nuffer, Lora Howe, Mable Nieder, Cecile Roney, and Orva Hoffman.
Harmony No. 57. On March 29, 1871, Anthony and Hannah Karns and Virgil and Agnes Hoffman deeded one square acre in the southwest corner of the Southeast ¼ of Section 1 Township 14 Range 20 and one square acre in the southeast corner of the East 1/2 of the Southwest ¼ of Section 1 Township 14 Range 20. The deed was only valid if the land was used as a school site. Lewis Swanson, a stonemason from Minnesota, built the native sandstone schoolhouse six miles south and two and one-half miles west of Eudora. The school got its name because on the day set for naming, two boys, and subsequently their fathers got in a fight. A suggestion for “Harmony” was then adopted. Those of school age in 1898 were Wilma, Orion, and Elmer Buford; Emma Butts; Jimmy, Teresa, Ella, and Flory Deay; Perry Dunn; Leonard Evenger; Teresa and Bertha Faust; Ida, Gin, and Rose Friend; Clarence, Effie, and Floyd Gottstein; Verna Hagerman; Fred and Hettie Hanson; Ralph Hatten; Ole, Lottie, George, Sadie, Mattie, Nettie, Charles, Jennie, and Eugene Harris; Bell and Harry Howard; Charlie, Arthur, Willie, Lester, John, and Sadie Joy; Bertha, Lottie, Oliver, Clarence, Jessie, Lola, and Mattie Karnes; Henry and Claud Landon; Peal, Mamie, Charlie, Frank, Everett, Flora, Grace, and George Leggett; Earl Palmateer; Walter Parsons; and Bessie Vitt. Faye Hagerman taught 19 pupils in 1940. By 1947, only six pupils attended the school. Consolidation with Vinland No. 88 was favored by 16 voters (4 opposed). One acre returned to the Karns estate; the other with the schoolhouse reverted to Howard Deay as part of his farm. Teachers were Alice Reed, George Nichols, Alvin Crouch, Leslie Fitz, Helen Gill, A.H. Crouch, Ada Lill, W.H. Horrell, J.W. Phelps, George Nichols, Clara Allison, Leroy Harris, Mrs. A.R. Shannon, George Nichols, Ellen Mellville, Ruth Harris, Stella Breithaupt, Ruby Selzer, Vera Saile, Gracy Fordyce, Cora Eckman, Winifred Stevens, Mildred Day, Bernice Holmes, Ellen Owen, Mildred Cook, Harzel Shirar, Lottie Jane Harrell, Mrs. Argel Cochran, Josephine Staadt, and Faye (Hagerman) Deay.
Hesper No. 5. School began in the Hesper community as soon as families, many of them Quaker, came to this settlement. Jeremiah and Elizabeth Hadley deeded an acre of land at the Southeast corner of Section 21 Township 13 Range 21 for a school site as long as it was used for a school. A log structure was put up, then replaced with a stone schoolhouse lit by kerosene lamps. Used until 1888, this building was replaced by a frame building. A coal furnace warmed the school in the early 1900s and piped-in gas in 1907 also provided heat. In the 1930s, the district bought Coleman lamps, new furniture, a furnace, and playground equipment. Jim Harris attended first and second grade at Hesper. His memories included being taught by the older girls and the teacher getting locked in the coal room. When the school consolidated with Eudora No. 28, the building became the property of the community.
Children attending the school, including those from the following families: Albright, Anderson, Bagby, Bruan, Baker, Bales, Bebout, Bisel, Broadshaper, Brooks, Brown, Burnell, Buck, Beers, Caviness, Cloud, Conger, Creevan, Cosand, Daltin, Davis, Daugherty, Deay, Dollnig, Douglas, Dunlap, Ehart, Epperson, Frazier, Frederick, Gabriel, Gault, Gerstenberger, Goodyear, Grantham, Guenther, Griffin, Grist, Grob, Hall, Hargardine, Harris, Haverty, Henderson, Henley, Henshaw, Hill, Irvin, Jamison, Jones, Jeffrey, Johnson, Kaseberger, Kelly, Kendall, Kerr, Kesinger, King, Kloche, Klopenstein, Koch, Koshler, Kramer, Kurtz, Lawrence, Lindley, Lowenstein, Maness, Marshall, Mathia, McBratney, McGillis, McIntryre, McPherson, Miller, Millington, Mohler, Moore, Neis, Needham, Nesbit, Ott, Page, Parker, Parks, Pearson, Perkins, Pfleger, Rausch, Rees, Rogers, Rosenau, Rush, Schooley, Seiwald, Simmers, Smith, Snow, Stubbs, Stanley, Stanton, Terrill, Todd, Tuttle, Vogel, Votaw, Walker, Warner, Watson, Welborn, Westerhouse, Williamson, Wilson, and Woodard. The Votaw families may have sent the most children, because a partial listing shows Alma, Blanche, Clara, Dorothy, Eldon, Eva, Everett, Georgia, Joseph, Josephine, Lela, Lucile, Marion, Milo, Ralph, Velda, Vernon, Victor, and Viola attended.
Some teachers were: Emma Aldrich, Nina Anderson, Jennie Armstrong, E. F. Bailey, L. E. Baily, Ella Bartlett, M. L. Bischoff, Florence Braun, Esther Brecheisen, Katherine Brecheisen, Lena Brecheisen, Florence Brown, Isabelle Byers, Carrie Cox, Cora Cox, Lizzie Crew, Millie Davidson, Della Davis, E. S. Davis, Lena Davis, Mildred Davis, Samuel Davis, Maida Donahue, Cora Elliot, Bertha Ellsworth, H. P. Evans, Jessie Fitz, Ellen Flinn, Mary Fuller, Ashely Garratt, Kathryn Garratt, Alma Gibson, Johanna Griffis, A.W. Hadley, Judith Hedley, Mary Henley, Lydia Henshaw, Sylvia Henshaw, P. Hiatt, Ellen Hill, Gurney Hill, Jennie Hill, Penelope Hill, W. G. Hill, Annie Hollister, Belle Howard, Ella Jay, Inez Jensen, Alvena Kanzig, Mrs. Carl Kelley, L. J. Kendall, Melissa Kersey, Marian Kidder, Robert E. Lee, Judith Lindley, Sena Marvel, Lottie Moll, Irene Neis, C. H. Nowlin, Zella Page, Mrs. J. C. Parks, J. E. Pearis, W. J. Pearson, Ethel Pfleger, A. E. Pieans, Emma Ryan, Lilly Scott, Leslie Setzer, Opal Irene Shaw, Harold Smith, Leora Smith, Edmund Stanley, Saymona Stanley, A.S. Stanton, Veda Stanton, Lena Thoren, Eunice Torrence, Elizabeth Tuttle, Grace Wanmer, Alma Watson, and Margaret White.
East Hopewell No. 68. Little is known about this school. A 1938 map shows its location in the southwest corner of the south half of the Southeast ¼ of Section 15 Township 14 Range 21 in Douglas County. About 1900, it joined with No. 70 in Johnson County and was known as No. 68 -70 until it disorganized in 1950 when students went to Baldwin schools. An 1897-1898 report shows W.R. Parks as a teacher for $30 a month and 27 students, three of them more than 20 years old. These students were Mary, Edith, Ellen, and Penina Balkey; John, August, Emma, Dan, Eddie, and Herman Bonsock; Walter, Mary, Sara, Lena, Anna, and Sophia Brecheisen; Sam, Darnda, and Milly Davidson; Michael and Lloyd Thomas; Dafne Kendall; Zella Page; and Lesta Radliff. Pupils in 1905-1906 taught by Bertha Green were Sophia Brecheisen, Amos Westerhouse, Theodore Thoren, Helen Kendall, Nettie Musick, Oscar Breicheisen, Mary McPherson, Leland Kendall, Florence Schneider, Lydia Kanzig, Oscar Westerhouse, Orpha Schneider, Alvena Kanzig, Leoti Milburn, Erwin Kanzig, Orin Eales, Jesse Brecheisen, Edwin Burnell, Bonnie Burnell, Ethel Westerhouse, Donald Rogers, Ethel Blakeman, George Musick, Elsie Bales, Agnes Thoren, Golder Blakeman, Esther Kendall, Hulda Thoren, Esther Brecheisen, and Gertrude Milburn. Later teachers were Jennie Armstrong, Ida Katherman, Cora Elliott, A.H. Couch, Alma Watson, Lena Brecheisen, Mamie Dauberman, Sophia Brecheisen, Mae Knabe, Lydia Kanzig, Anna Hammig, Inez Westerhouse, Ethel Kindred, Alvena Kanzig, Georgianna Stanley, Nellie Hyland, Esther Brecheisen, and Esther Miller. Reports after 1925 indicated that Johnson County took over the school.
Kaw Valley No. 12. Kaw Valley was unusual because it had classes for nine months of the year instead of the usual eight-month term. The Kansas River also flooded it several times. Each time it flooded, a mark was painted on a brick to indicate the water height that year. In 1892, a red brick schoolhouse replaced the sandstone building built on the acre donated by William and Ellen Hughes in 1867. Families who attended the school through the years were Altenbernd, Benefield, Carter, Catlett, Cox, Crawford, Faith, Garvin, Hall, Hughes, Kindred, McCabria, McFarland, Meuffles, Jenkins, Redmond, Richardson, Schaake, Suiter, Trueblood, and Walters. The schoolhouse was sold to a musician’s union, then burned May 2, 1964. Teachers were Bertha Van Tries, Miss Black, Mr. Shuck, Eva Frowe, Mildred hall, Louise Leonard, Lottie Brune, Rose Barker, Alice Barnhard, Nettie Caldwell, Mayme Brune, Bertha Crowder, Anna Powers, Fern Evans, Ruth Evans, Louise Loesch, Cecile Kiefer, Grace Showalter, Evelyn Hayden, Esther Brecheisen, Lena Brecheisen, Sena Sutton, Ethelmae Dodds, Mildred Chandler, Mrs. William Roe, Helen Brown, Mrs. Iva Dittrich, Josephine Foster, Maxine Shellack, Ann Williams, Coila Thurber, Alice Springer, Bessie Callahan, Rose Douglas, and Esther McCabria.
Oberlin No. 80. One miles and one-fourth east of Eudora on Seventh Street was the site Daniel and Maria Phoenicie donated on the Northeast corner of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 4 Township 13 Range 21. Records of 1897-1898 show that Louise Leonhard taught there for $27 monthly. Students at that time were Amelia, William, Henry, Mary, and Harman Bartz; Alfred, Willie, and Henry Eisele; Karl and Oscar Lothholz; George, Minnie, Stella, and Tommy Monroe; and Samuel, Karl, Freddie, Bennie, Gideon, Lillian, Frank, and Hedwig Neis. School board members were Fred Neis, Mary Bernitz, and William Lothholz. Other teachers were Florence Alberts, Mrs. Nellie Robertson, Gertrude Sellards, Mrs. D.P. Merrion, Alice Reed, Alice Grimes, and Rosa Smith. Students were sent to Eudora for school in 1908, then returned to Oberlin the following year. However, students attended the Eudora school in 1910 after their school ultimately closed.
Pleasant Oak No. 45. When the Clearfield school became too crowded, Pleasant Oak School was built in 1907 to accommodate students two miles east of Clearfield. The school house was a frame structure with a belfry and bell. Carrie Blakeman taught from 1907-1910. Her students were: George, Bertie, Blanch and Minnie Breithaupt; Phillip, Harry, Teddy, Aaron, Benjamin, Rosa, Mae, Gertrude, Lena, Alma, and Emma Brecheisen; Harry, Willie, Katy, and Edna Dwyer; Earl, Arthur, and Elsie Mathia; Phillip, Nana, and Mae Meeder; Elmer and Flossie McKinney; and Margaret Baecker. Later teachers were Ida Steel, Stella Brazil, Ruth Kring, Ellen Mellville, Mabel Russel, Paul Selzer, Gertrude Brecheisen, and Edna Smith. In 1920, it became a joint district with Johnson County. Fire later destroyed the schoolhouse. Jean Reynolds remembered the school had a good library and music program. A well supplied water, and a large, round wood stove heated the building. Students used outside toilets and visited other schools for spelling bees and immunization shots. Each morning, students gathered around the flag pole and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roscoe No. 44. John McKnight and Sarah Ann McKnight deeded one acre for a school building site in 1864 for the Roscoe School, five miles south of Eudora. At the stone school house, W.P. Hamm taught the first year. His daughter later would serve on the school board and his grand-daughter teach at Roscoe School, too. The second schoolhouse was frame with a belfry and large bell. Its library had 206 volumes and a blackboard filled the back wall. Students in 1897-1898 were Ulysses, Frank, Annie, John, James, and Willie Anton; Lata Belvoir, Florence Bishop; Stella and Charlie Brazil; Omar Coates; Russell, Irvin, Arthur, and Freddie Deay; Fred, Martha, Carl, Homer, and Walter Gerstenberger; Charles and Gene Griffin; Joe and Jennie Reilback; Zuella and James Milbourn; Ephraim and Alice Music; Enda and Euna Nicol; Alma and Hervey Reed; Frank, Willie, Jake, Robert, Maud, and Wallace Reusch; Charlie and Clara Schehrer; Gustave Schmidt; Willie and Sammie Todd; Lelia Thoren; Bernie, Walter, and Ollie Vitt; Clinton, Meda, Elmer, Ida, and Jessie Wade; and Walter, Bessie, and Harry Werts.
When the 1940s started, less than 10 students enrolled. Enrollment picked up when families working at Sunflower Ordnance Works moved near DeSoto. But enrollment declined at the close of World War II, and the school closed in 1944. On January 24, 1948, the school joined the Eudora district. Some teachers were Lovie Reed, Estella Cowgill, Alice Jay, Gertrude Bell, Jennie Armstrong, Ida Reed, Leonard Root, Anna Miller, Mabel Sawhill, George Nichols, Anna Brecheisen, Stella Brazil, Hallie Person, Missa Ripley, Frank Cheney, Ruth Harris, Vera Breithaupt, Helen Sommer, Ethel Sommer, Jessie Dover, Martha Schehrer, Thelma (Haverty) Deay, Belle Rohe, Nora Vitt, Peggy Clayton, and Olive Randel.
Weaver No. 86. John and Australia Weaver deeded one acre of land for a school in the Northwest Corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of the Section 34, Township 12 Range 21. A building was built in 1893-1894. Two graduated in 1898: Rosa Erwin’s essay was “Soliquoy of an Old Ink Bottle,” and Lizzie Hill’s essay was “Little Things.” In 1900, there were 53 pupils ─ 18 black, 35 white, according to Oscar Broers in 1976. Weaver, located in the Kansas Riverbottoms, was fondly remembered by students Robert Neis, Kermit Broers, and Louis Kindred who told of the train that ran close by the schoolhouse. Broers remembered the old bell being turned upside down and filled full of water, then when the teacher pulled the rope the next morning, the water soaked the teacher. She wore wet clothes for the rest of the day. By 1937, the growing decline in the number of pupils reached 10. The next year, Weaver school closed. The students were bussed to Eudora. The land reverted to Sadie Roberts, and Oscar Broers dismantled the school, saving the floor for his new house one-half mile south of the school site. Teachers were Rebecca Herning (1898-1900), Alta Stanton (1900), W. J. Parnell (1901), S. B. Katerman, Bessie Smith, Alto Roe, Anna Miller, Lena Brechiesen, Etta Meinke, Douglas Harris (1911), Esther Pfleger (1915), Malta Sheppard (1916), Helen Shepherd Guer (1917), Mabel Caldwell (1918), Lydia Kanzig (1919), Rebecca Miller (1920), Mayme Hale (1922), Susie R. Lowman (1923), Elizabeth Ruth Becky (1924), Gladys Pierce (1925), Mabel Deay (1925), Marian Grist (1927), Hazel Smith (1929), Agnes Pine (1931), Gertude Churchbaugh (1933), Maxine Schellack (1934), Georgia Plistil (1936), Marcella Dwyer (1937), and, in 1938, pupils taken to Eudora School with tuition paid by District #86.
About the school, Mayme Kohler, wrote: “I started before I was six, Doug Harred was my first teacher, I will always remember him holding me on his lap and pulling a tooth. I had refused my mother’s offer, but felt ashamed to refuse him. He was like a father to me. He drove a buggy and horse to school from Keystone Corner. Esther Pfleger was my second grade teacher and they used flash cards. Lydia Kanzig followed Esther. We thought that she was the most beautiful teacher in the world.
“We had fall and spring programs. We had song recitation, and dialogue. We were so excited if we had a special part. We practiced several times a week. It was a disgrace to make a mistake or not know your part. We usually had a pie supper afterward or a gift exchange at Christmas time. Rebecca Miller followed Lydia Kanzig. She had a lot of singing ─ Christian and patriotic songs ─ and had devotions. I took my first piano lesson from her. I swept the school house to pay for the lessons. She lived in Lawrence. Mayme Hale was my last grade school teacher. I was the last pupil who had nine years at Weaver. If I ever was a teacher’s pet it was for Mayme. Hale. Our last event of our school year was our last day of school was the school dinner. My mother was always asked to bring sweet pickles. They were so crisp and crunchy. Each lady had a special dish. The food was fit for a king.
“I can remember walking in the springtime, smelling the corn stalks burning. The men were plowing and disking for potatoes and corn. Women were making their gardens. I often thought it was one of the most beautiful and fertile valley God ever made in America.”
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